10 Facts about Callisto

Wednesday, September 30th 2015. | Astronomy

If you are interested to know about the moon of planet Jupiter, you have to check Facts about Callisto. Galileo Galilei discovered Callisto in 1610. In the Jovian system, Callisto takes the second largest moon. In the solar system, it is the third largest moon. The orbital radius of Callisto is around 1880000 km. The rotation of Callisto is locked into the orbit around Jupiter. Therefore, Jupiter can be seen from the sky of Callisto. Here are other interesting facts about Callisto:

Facts about Callisto 1: the remote orbit

Callisto has the remote orbit which makes this moon remain unaffected by the magnetosphere of Jupiter. The location of this moon is outside the primary radiation belt of Jupiter.

Facts about Callisto 2: the mean density

The mean density of Callisto is 1.83 gram per cm3.  The amount of ices and rock which compose Callisto is in equal state.

Callisto Surface

Callisto Surface

Facts about Callisto 3: the surface

There are several compounds that you can find on Callisto. Those include the organic compounds, water ice, silicates and carbon dioxide.

Facts about Callisto 4: the small silicate core

The small silicate core is observed by Galileo Spacecraft. The experts assume that the ocean of liquid water is found on the subsurface of Callisto.

Callisto Image

Callisto Image

Facts about Callisto 5: the main features on Callisto’s surface

If you check the surface of Callisto, you can find out the chains of craters, deposits, ridges, scarps, impact craters and multi ring structures.

Facts about Callisto 6: the atmosphere

The atmosphere of Callisto is very thin. Carbon dioxide is the main component. But the experts assume that it also has the intense ionosphere and molecular oxygen.

Callisto Facts

Callisto Facts

Facts about Callisto 7: the ocean

There is an assumption that Callisto probably has an ocean which can increase the possibility of bearing life. Get facts about black holes here.

Facts about Callisto 8: the radiation level

The radiation level of Callisto is very low. Therefore, people believe that it is likely to be the most suitable space for further explanation and human base in the Jovian system.

facts about Callisto

facts about Callisto

Facts about Callisto 9: the discovery

In January 1610, the famous scientist Galileo discovered Callisto. Actually he also discovered other moons in the Jovian system like Europa, lo and Ganymede.

Facts about Callisto 10: the name of the moon

The name of Callisto was derived from the name of a nymph in Greek mythology. She was connected with Artemis, goddess of hunt. She was one of Zeus’ lovers. There are various sources which state that Lycaon was the father of Callisto. Simon Marius suggested the name after the discovery of Callisto. Get facts about blood moon here.



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