10 Facts about Diving Beetles

Friday, September 23rd 2016. | Animals

One of the members of a family of water beetles is explained on Facts about Diving Beetles. The predaceous diving beetles are called Dytiscidae. The name was derived from a Greek word. The meaning is able to dive. On average, it has the length of 1 inch or 25 mm. However; you can see variations of length among the species of diving beetles. Check other interesting facts about diving beetles below:

Facts about Diving Beetles 1: the largest species of diving beetles

The largest species of diving beetle is Dytiscus latissimus. The length of this species is likely to reach 45 mm.

Facts about Diving Beetles 2: the colors of diving beetles

Most diving beetles have the body colors of dark olive green, blackish or even dark brown tone. Some subfamilies have the golden highlights in the body.

diving beetle

diving beetle

Facts about Diving Beetles 3: biting

The digestive enzymes will be delivered when diving beetles bite. They own sharp, yet short mandibles. Get facts about Bess Beetles here.

Facts about Diving Beetles 4: the water tiger

The water tiger is a term to call the larvae of diving beetles. There are around 4,000 species of diving beetles.

Facts about Diving Beetles

Facts about Diving Beetles

Facts about Diving Beetles 5: the larval body

The shape of larval body of diving beetle resembles the crescent. The thin hairs can be found on the surface of long tail.  

Facts about Diving Beetles 6: the size of the larval body

The size of the larval body of diving beetles is measured at 0.5 to 2.0 inches or 1 to 5 cm.

diving beetles pic

diving beetles pic

Facts about Diving Beetles 7: hunting for food

The small dwelling animals, glassworms and tadpoles are some prey of diving beetles. The prey will be held tightly by the diving beetles as they pass. The pincers will be used to bite the prey and trap it in the middle of the front legs. Find facts about beetles here.

Facts about Diving Beetles 8: the transformation of larvae

The mature larvae will develop strong legs to enable them crawling from the water. To reach the pupation, they should bury themselves in the mud. Then they will appear as adult diving beetle from the mud. It will take seven days or more to complete the process.

diving beetles images

diving beetles images

Facts about Diving Beetles 9: the edibility

Do you know that some diving beetles are edible? The people eat tacos accompanied with salted and roasted C. explanatus in Mexico.

Facts about Diving Beetles 10: C. japonicas

C. japonicas is another type of diving beetle consumed in Japan. It is also reported that the people in New Guinea, China, Thailand and Taiwan also consume it.

diving beetles facts

diving beetles facts

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