10 Facts about Dover Castle

Wednesday, November 9th 2016. | Buildings

Get the interesting information about the medieval castle in Dover, Kent on Facts about Dover Castle. Due to the historical significance, Dover Castle earns the title as the Key to England. The castle was established in 11th century. In England, Dover Castle takes the record as the largest castle. Before the Iron Age or during the Iron Age, the earthworks were applied to fortify the castle. In AD43, the Romans invaded the castle. Let us find out other interesting facts about Dover Castle below:

Facts about Dover Castle 1: the earthworks

The earthworks found on Dover Castle were unique. It was believed that they were not from the medieval age due to the distinctive patterns of the earthworks.

Facts about Dover Castle 2: the Roman pharoses

Dover Castle had the Roman pharoses or lighthouses. They had the height at 24 meter or 80 feet. Only one of them survives.

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Facts about Dover Castle 3: Dover Castle

Dover Castle takes the status as a Scheduled monument. The building is fully protected even though it becomes a primary tourist object. The English Heritage owns the surrounding land of Dover Castle, the secret tunnels and castle.

Facts about Dover Castle 4: who is the head of the castle?

The official head of the castle is the Lord Warden of the Conque Ports.

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dover castle pictures

Facts about Dover Castle 5: the museum

Dover Castle has a museum located inside the building. You can visit the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment Museum.

Facts about Dover Castle 6: the castle’s interior

The interior of Dover Castle was recreated by the English Heritage in 2007 until 2009. It took £2.45 million.

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dover castle

Facts about Dover Castle 7: the visitors in 2010

In 2010, there were 350,000 people visiting Dover Castle. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Dover.

Facts about Dover Castle 8: clay

Clay was considered as the original material to create the castle. Since the building collapsed, the remains of the clay were applied on the floor. Check facts about Denbigh Castle here.

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facts about dover castle

Facts about Dover Castle 9: knights

William d’Albrincis, Robert du Port, Geoffrey Peverell and Adam Fitzwilliam were four of the eight knights appointed to guard the castle.

Facts about Dover Castle 10: the recognisable shape of Dover Castle

The recognisable shape of Dover Castle was realized during the era of King Henry II. The keep was built by Maurice the Engineer. During his reign, the great keep, outer bailey and inner bailey were established. Check facts about Crathes Castle here.

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dover castle facts

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