10 Facts about Adders
Facts about Adders tell you about the poisonous snake in the world. You can find this animal spreading around Arctic Circle, East Asia and Western Europe. The snake has three subspecies that you need to know if you want to avoid this dangerous animal. Here are facts about Adder for you:
Facts about Adders 1: Adders in England
In England, Adders are called as the only poisonous snakes. You can find them in semi deserts, grassland, swamps, forests, rocky slopes and wetland. This animal can survive in different climates and habitats.
Facts about Adders 2: the number of Adders
The number of adders is still stable today even though many people try to kill them due to the fear of snakes. The habitat destruction is also a major cause of reduction of adders. But it is not included in the list of the endangered snakes in the world.
Facts about Adders 4: size
Can you guess the body size of adders? In average, they have the length from 24 to 35 inches. The weight is around 1.8 to 6.3 ounces. The male adders are smaller and shorter compared to the female adders.
Facts about Adders 5: characteristics
Let’s find out the characteristic of adders. You can recognize the snakes easily through the zigzag pattern on the back. The back of male adders has black color, while the body is in grey or white. The female’s back comes in brown zigzag pattern in reddish or brown color. But you can find adders in full black body.
Facts about Adders 6: locating the prey
To view things, the adders will use their vertical pupils. These animals also have unique ability to locate the prey. Aardvarks facts show you the wild animal.
Facts about Adders 7: teeth
You have to be careful with the venomous fangs of adders. If you get bitten, it will transfer a deadly dose of toxin.
Facts about Adders 8: the venom
The venom of adders is considered in medium strength. It means that it will never carry fatal effect on human being. But the smaller prey can be killed at once.
Facts about Adders 9: diet
Let’s talk the favorite food of adders. They are carnivores and like to eat mice, lizards, voles, small birds, newts, frogs, insects and shrews. Check out another animal in abalone facts.
Facts about Adders 10: cold blood creatures
There is no need to wonder that adders like to bash in the sun since the creatures are the cold blooded animals.
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