10 Facts about Adolescence

Wednesday, November 19th 2014. | Human

Let me show you Facts about Adolescence if you want to know the fear and social life of young people. There are many problems that the young people face. The often have low self confidence and low self esteem which make them cannot face the social world happily. Check out more facts about adolescence below for more information about the young teenagers:

Facts about Adolescence 1: weight

Do you know that physical appearance affects the way the young teenagers live? They often want to have great body so that the people around them like them a lot. It is estimated that 15 percent boys and 44 percent girls attempt to lose weight.

Facts about Adolescence 2: low self esteem

The low self esteem is one of the main problems that the young teenagers face during their school time.  It is a kind of disorder which makes the young teenagers view themselves as incompetent and inadequate individual.

Adolescence Age

Adolescence Age

Facts about Adolescence 3: depression

Another problem faced by teens is depression. The report says that 20 percent of young teenagers have depression before they are in adulthood time.

Facts about Adolescence 4: physical look

When the young teenagers feel that they have bad physical look, they tend to avoid the daily activities.  The report states that more than 70 percent girls do it.

Adolescence Facts

Adolescence Facts

Facts about Adolescence 5: negative activities

There are some bad activities conducted by more than 75 percent of girls with low self esteem. They often involve with drinking, smoking, disordered eating and bullying. Find out another bad activity in addiction facts.

Facts about Adolescence 6: muscle mass

The physical appearance also affects the boys in their middle school. More than 40 percent of them want to build the muscle mass by doing intense exercise.

Adolescence Pictures

Adolescence Pictures

Facts about Adolescence 7: teen girls and their parents

The main wish of most teen girls is having a good communication with their parents. The open conversation should be encouraged between parents and kids.

Facts about Adolescence 8: protein supplement

Do you know that 38 percent of boys consume protein supplement to increase their muscle mass? Some of them also use steroid.



Facts about Adolescence 9: self esteem on a girl

The girl’s self esteem lays a lot on the way the girls view the physical look.

Facts about Adolescence 10: sarcasms

Sarcasm is not a good thing to experience by young teenagers. If you want to amuse them, don’t use sarcasm.

Facts about Adolescence

Facts about Adolescence

What do you think on facts about adolescence?

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