10 Facts about Adverbs

Friday, November 21st 2014. | Linguistic

If you like to study about language, you have to check out Facts about Adverbs. There are many kinds of adverbs in English. You can check the adverbs of time, place, degree and manner. All of them can be used to simplify or change the meaning of other adverbs, adjectives, verbs, sentences and clauses. Find out more adverb facts in the following post below:

Facts about Adverbs 1: questions

People can use adverbs when they want to answers some questions using the words “where, what way, how, when, or to what extent”.

Facts about Adverbs 2: usage

Let’s find out the usage of adverb in general. You can use it to modify a verb. Some examples of adverbs include suddenly, soon, now, beautifully, well, and slowly.



Facts about Adverbs 3: the full information

When a sentence or a clause contains an adverb, you can get information about the manner, time, place, certainty, and frequency.

Facts about Adverbs 4: modifying a verb

As I have stated before, an adverb can be used to modify a verb. For example, the kids are playing together. In the sentence, you can get the information on how the kids are playing.

Adverbs Examples

Adverbs Examples

Facts about Adverbs 5: modifying adjectives or adverbs

Besides modifying a verb, an adverb can be used to modify adverbs and adjectives too. The adverbs can modify another adverb in the sentence “She sings very loudly”.

Facts about Adverbs 6: adverb of manner

You just have to add –ly at the end of an adjective when you want to create an adverb of manner.

Adverbs Lesson

Adverbs Lesson

Facts about Adverbs 7: a part of speech

Adverb is one of the most important parts of speech that people should learn in traditional English grammar. There is no need to wonder that adverb is always taught at school. You can also check it in English dictionaries.

Facts about Adverbs 8: Scandinavian languages

When you learn the Scandinavian languages, you find that an adverb is formed by adding suffix –t. If you learn the Romance languages, you can create an adverb from an adjective. You just have to add –ment in Catalan or French languages. In Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Galician language, you have to add –mente.



Facts about Adverbs 9: Esperanto

Esperanto is very unique. You can form an adverb from the word root rather than making the adverb from the adjective. You just have to add –e on the word root.

Facts about Adverbs 10: English grammar

If you want to know the right formation of adverbs in English, you have to study the English grammar book.

Facts about Adverbs

Facts about Adverbs

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