10 Facts about AED
Facts about AED talk about the portable electric device. AED stands for automated external defibrillator. The main function of the tool is used to treat a patient who has cardiac arrhythmias of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. This condition can threaten the life if it is not diagnoses as soon as possible. Here are some facts about AED for you:
Facts about AED 1: treatment
AED is not only used to define and diagnose the condition. But it can be used to treat the condition too using the defibrillation. The heart will be able to beat in an effective rhythm again.
Facts about AED 2: simple usage
Using AED is very easy to do. Do you know that it is often taught on the people who want to know more about the first aid? The layperson can operate it easily.
Facts about AED 3: the treatment using AED
People can use AED to treat Ventricular fibrillation and Pulseless Ventricular tachycardia.
Facts about AED 4: the users
As I have stated before the laypersons can use the tool easily. They should get training first to know the correct and proper ways to operate it. The trained operators of AED can begin the process in 67 seconds. The sixth grade students who have training on AED can begin the defibrillation in 90 seconds.
Facts about AED 5: interference
You can avoid any interference when using the AED if you remove the piercing or metal underwire on the bras before you use the tool. It can reduce any harmful risk when you use AED.
Facts about AED 6: analyzing the benefit of AED
Chicago’s Heart Start program analyzed the effectiveness of AED. From 22 individuals, there were 18 people had a cardiac arrhythmia. 11 people from the total 18 survived after they used AED to treat Vfib or Vtach.
Facts about AED 7: how to find AED in public units
There are several public units who have AED as their toolkit. You can find it in casinos, airplanes, airports, shopping centers, government offices, theme parks, health clubs, fitness center, community centers, workspace and many other public locations.
Facts about AED 8: the victims of sudden cardiac arrest
If you think that the old people have risk of having sudden cardiac arrest, you are wrong. The adults and children also have the similar risk.
Facts about AED 9: emergency vehicles
The emergency vehicles such as ambulances, fire vehicles and police vehicles also have AED. Find out another tool for health treatment in acupuncture facts.
Facts about AED 10: elevators
It is recommended for the owners of big buildings to have AED inside an elevator to avoid any cardiac arrest.
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