10 Facts about African American Culture
If you want to know the black culture in United States, you need to read Facts about African American Culture. The African American culture is very unique. It is implemented on their music, writing style, painting, art, clothes, hairstyle and many more. The culture is used as their identity to differentiate them from the colored and white people. Here are some facts about African American culture for you:
Facts about African American Culture 1: the root
The root of African American culture is from the central and West Africa. The way the black people live in America is a mixture of West and Central African cultures.
Facts about African American Culture 2: slavery
The African people were brought to United States as slaves. Even though they became slaves and had little right to practice their cultures, some of them are survived. The original culture of Africa was mixed with the local European culture. Get facts about African American slavery here.
Facts about African American Culture 3: treating the nature
The African American culture was shaped during the slavery era. They always treated the environment well. They believed that the spirits were dwelled in the surrounding nature.
Facts about African American Culture 4: Harlem Renaissance
You can check out the African American culture during Harlem Renaissance era. The art, literature and music gained a wide attention from the people in 1920s and 1930s. Check out facts about African art here.
Facts about African American Culture 5: the African American stories
You can check out some African American authors depicted the life of African Americans. Those include Countee Cullen, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Nella Larsen, and Claude McKay.
Facts about African American Culture 6: the popular music of African American people
The African American music such as blues, swing and jazz becomes the most popular music for the American people.
Facts about African American Culture 7: the African American artist
The African American artists do not lose their African identity. You can see the work of William H. Johnson and Palmer Hayden if you want to know the reflection of African American art.
Facts about African American Culture 8: the first political movement
United Negro Improvement Association and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in the beginning of 20th century. It is called as the first political movement for African American people in US.
Facts about African American Culture 9: the movement
Even though slavery was abolished, the black people still searched for equality. In 1960s and 1970s, the Black Power movement and non violent American civil rights movement were established.
Facts about African American Culture 10: Nina Simone
Nina Simone is one of the popular recording artists. Her single Young, Gifted and Black raised the awareness of the people to accept their African American identity.
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