10 Facts about Air Raid Shelters

Friday, December 5th 2014. | Military

Facts about Air Raid Shelters talk about the bomb bunkers used by the combatants and non combatants as a protection place from the air attack.  The air raid shelter was created just like a bunker. But it is not used to protect the people from the ground attack. Check out more facts about air raid shelters by reading the following post below:

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 1: United Kingdom

United Kingdom had an Air Raid Precautions Committee in May 1924 before World War II.  But there was only little progress with the shelter because of the need to keep the people above the ground to avoid the gas attack and to keep the people under the ground to avoid the air attack.

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 2: the main function

The air raid shelter is made to protect the people from the air strike.  But there are some above ground used by the people for safeguarding the people when the air raid happened such as the railway arches or even cellar in the houses.

Air Raid Shelter Pic

Air Raid Shelter Pic

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 3: Anderson shelter

One of the famous air raid shelters is the Anderson shelter. It is a commonly home shelter made in a garden. Inside the garden, you can find beds to save you from the air raids.

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 4: Cellars

In United Kingdom, cellars were not important.  They were much more important in the life of the people in continental Europe. Therefore, you can find that most apartments and houses in Germany were equipped with cellars. The air raid precaution in Germany was much more implemented during World War II. Get facts about air raids here.

Air Raid Shelter

Air Raid Shelter

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 5: the burning building

Sometimes the basement used as the air raid shelter was very dangerous when it was burnt. The temperature reached 800 degree Celsius. People were trapped inside the shelter. Some of them faced the carbon monoxide poisoning or even heat stroke.

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 6: Hochbunker

Typical Germans constructed bunker is Hochbunker. It was the high rise bunker that Germans used to accommodate the additional citizens and pedestrians.

Air Raid Shelters

Air Raid Shelters

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 7: Hochbunker’s bomb proof quality

Hochbunker  had the bomb proof quality.  It was often made in upward position rather in downward position for it was cheaper.

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 8: structure of Hochbunker

Let’s find out the structure of Hochbunker. There were large concrete blocks located above the ground. The thickness of the wall was around 1 m till 1.5 m.  On the top of the opening or doorways, you can find huge lintels.

Facts about Air Raid Shelters

Facts about Air Raid Shelters

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 9: the temperature

The temperature inside Hoch bunker was very constant. It reached 7 till 10 degree Celsius. Therefore, it can be used as laboratories too. Moreover, it can be used to preserve works of arts, administrative center, save the significant archives and protect people.

Facts about Air Raid Shelters 10: Singapore

The people in Singapore have been encouraged to have a shelter created based on some specifications since 1998.

Air Raid Shelter Pictures

Air Raid Shelter Pictures

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