10 Facts about Albert Jacka

Thursday, December 11th 2014. | Military

Facts about Albert Jacka tell you about the hero from Australia. He was the first Australian who was awarded with Victorian Cross in the World War I. Do you know about Victorian Cross? It is called as the highest decoration for the gallantry. This VC can be given to the member of the British and Commonwealth armies. Get more facts about Albert Jacka below:

Facts about Albert Jacka 1: life span

Albert Jacka was born on 10 January 1893 and passed away on 17 January 1932. He was famous after receiving the Victorian Cross because of his heroic action in the Gallipoli Campaign. His bravery on the battlefield was awarded with a medal.

Facts about Albert Jacka 2: business

When the war was over, he decided to come back to Australia and set up a business here. He created Roxburgh, Jacka & Co. Pty Ltd. It was involved with importing and exporting the electrical goods.

Albert Jacka Gallipoli

Albert Jacka Gallipoli

Facts about Albert Jacka 3: mayor

It was very surprising that Jacka was a mayor for the city of St Kilda.  He was elected to the local council and got this position.

Facts about Albert Jacka 4: death

Jacka passed away on 17 January 1932. Actually the wounds that he got during the war were never fully recovered. When he was 39 years, he passed away.

Albert Jacka Pic

Albert Jacka Pic

Facts about Albert Jacka 5: date of birth and early life

Albert Jacka was born on 10 January 1893 on a dairy farm near Winchelsea, Victoria. His mother was an English born woman, Elizabeth and his father was Nathaniel Jacka.  There were seven children in the family and he was the fourth child.

Facts about Albert Jacka 6: education and job

He got his education at local school. When he was 5 years old, his family moved to Wedderburn, Victoria. When he finished his education, he began working with his father as a haulage contractor. When the World War I began, Jacka was in the Victorian State Forest department.

Albert Jacka VC

Albert Jacka VC

Facts about Albert Jacka 7: Australian Imperial Force

On 18 September 1914, Albert Jacka enlisted himself in Australian Imperial Force. His training was at Broadmeadows Camp. He was placed in 14th battalion with a private rank.

Facts about Albert Jacka 8: Turkey

The first division had to come to Egypt to protect Suez Canal after Turkey was the ally of Germany. On 31 January 1915, Jacka and his battalion came to Alexandria. Get facts about air raid here.

Albert Jacka

Albert Jacka

Facts about Albert Jacka 9: Gallipoli Campaign

On 25 April 1915, Jacka struggled in Gallipoli Campaign. He and his division had to fight against the Turks on a Narrow beach when they landed at Anzac Cove. He was very brave during the fight and killed Turks who wanted to capture the tranches with a single hand. Get another war in Afghanistan war facts.

Facts about Albert Jacka 10: a national hero

His bravery gained a lot of attention. He was appointed as national hero. He was awarded with a gold watch and £500 too.

Facts about Albert Jacka

Facts about Albert Jacka

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