10 Facts about ALD
If you want to know one of the serious medical healths, you have to check out Facts about ALD. ALD stands for Adrenoleukodystrophy. Some people often call it AMN, X-ALD, bronze Schilder disease, Siemerling–Creutzfeldt disease, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy or adrenomyeloneuropathy. If you are interested to know more about ALD, check out the following post below:
Facts about ALD 1: What it ALD?
Do you know the definition of ALD? It is a kind of disorder which causes the accumulation of a very long fatty acid inside the body. Therefore, ALD is a type of peroxisomal fatty acid beta oxidation.
Facts about ALD 2: the myelin
The tissue inside the body influenced a lot by this disease is myelin. This tissue is located in Leydig cells, adrenal cortex and central nervous system.
Facts about ALD 3: a heterogenous disorder
ALD is a kind of a heterogenous disorder. It means that the pattern of genotype and phenotype correlation in the disease is not clear. This disease can form different phenotypes.
Facts about ALD 4: male and female
ALD can be found mostly in males. But the females should be careful too with the risk of having ALD since 50 perfect of heterozygote females have the symptoms of this disease in the later life.
Facts about ALD 5: the most severe form
The most severe form of ALD is the presence of childhood cerebral. The report that states that 2/3 of patients experiences this severe condition. Check out another disease in facts about HIV and AIDS infections.
Facts about ALD 6: the phase
Some parents are not aware with ALD because the children have the normal childhood development in their early life. Then the parents will shock when the kids have rapid degeneration.
Facts about ALD 7: the cause of ALD
Let’s find out the cause of ALD. The mutations in ABCD1 are the main cause. This gene is located on X chromosome.
Facts about ALD 8: treatment
There are limited options for ALD. Lorenzo’s oil is the most common dietary treatment for the patients with ALD. If the disorder can be detected in the early phase, the gene therapy and stem cell transplant can be used to treat it. Check a medical information in Advil facts.
Facts about ALD 9: the initial testing
To find out whether you have ALD or not, you have to perform the initial testing. The gas chromatography mass spectrometry will be used to know the plasma very long chain fatty acid.
Facts about ALD 10: the incidence
The incidence of having ALD is not increased today. The incidence for male is 1:21,000 in United States.
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