10 Facts about Alice Sebold
Facts about Alice Sebold talk about the amazing American writer who creates The Almost Moon in 2007, Lucky in 1999 and The Lovely Bones in 2002. Her novel, The Lovely Bones was adapted into a movie. Find out more facts about her below
Facts about Alice Sebold 1: Date of birth
Alice Sebold was born on 6 September 1963 in Madison, Wisconsin. Her father worked at University of Pennsylvania and taught Spanish there. She was raised in the suburb of Philadelphia. In 1980, she graduated from great Valley High School in Malvern, Pennsylvania.
Facts about Alice Sebold 2: rape
Sebold was raped in the early hours on 8 May 1981. She was dragged into a tunnel. The man sodomized her brutally. He also beat and urinated on her. This unfortunate event happened when she wanted to reach her home through the campus park. At that time, Sebold was a freshman at Syracuse University.
Facts about Alice Sebold 3: investigation
After the incident, Sebold reported the rape to the Police. However, the police could not find any suspect even though they already investigated and took her statement.
Facts about Alice Sebold 4: returning home
Sebold returned to her hometown in Pennsylvania for some months. Then she was back at the University to study writing and finish her bachelor degree.
Facts about Alice Sebold 5: the rapist
Alice Seabold found out her rapist when she walked on a street located near to Syracuse campus on 5 October 1981. She reported it to the police and the rapist was put in jail because of sodomy and rape. Today, his rapist is out of jail.
Facts about Alice Sebold 6: University of Houston
Alice studied at University of Houston, Texas after she graduated from Syracuse University in 1984. Then she lived in Manhattan.
Facts about Alice Sebold 7: writing a book
Lucky in New York was a Book by Alice Sebold. It talks about her fictionalized version of her rape. The title of the book was derived from the police who told her that she was Lucky to be alive after being raped. There was a young woman who found dead in the same tunnel before she was raped. Get facts about Albert Camus to know the French writer.
Facts about Alice Sebold 8: Monsters
Monsters was a novel written by Sebold when she was 33 years old. The story of the novel is about the murder and rape of 14 year old girl.
Facts about Alice Sebold 9: Glen David Gold
Glen David Gold is the husband of Alice Sebold. Both have been living in San Francisco since November 2001. Gold is the writer of Carter Beats the Devil.
Facts about Alice Sebold 10: awards
In 2003, she was the winner of American Booksellers Association Book of the Year Award for Adult Fiction.
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