10 Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals

Saturday, December 27th 2014. | Chemistry

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals talk about a group of element located on the second column of the periodic table. You can call this group as group 2 element. The elements included in the group include radium, barium, strontium, calcium, magnesium and beryllium. Here are some interesting facts about alkaline earth metals for you:

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 1: ionic bonds

Most elements in alkaline earth metal present the ionic bonds.  But there is one element which creates the covalent bond. The exception is for beryllium.  When you mix the elements with water, they react strongly. But once again, beryllium has low reaction.

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 2: characteristics

Let’s find out the characteristics of alkaline earth metals.  They are soft metals with shiny and silvery look.

alkaline earth metal

alkaline earth metal

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 3: reactive

When handling the elements, you have to be careful. Even though you place them in standard condition, they are very reactive.

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 4: the occurrence

People can find the alkaline earth metal in minerals and compounds. But you will never find them in elemental form. Halides are compounds made from the reaction of halogens and alkaline earth metals. Get alkanes facts here.

Alkaline Earth Metals Be

Alkaline Earth Metals Be

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 5: calcium

Calcium is called as the most abundant alkaline earth metal in the world. Based on the amount of calcium on earth crust, it is placed in the fifth position of most abundant element.

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 6: the most abundant alkaline earth metals

Let me show you the order of the most abundant alkaline earth metals in the world. They are calcium, magnesium, barium, strontium, beryllium and radium. Get facts about Alkalis here.

Alkaline Earth Metals Emerald

Alkaline Earth Metals Emerald

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 7: flames

The colored flames of alkaline earth metals are various.  The white flame is seen on beryllium, while the bright white flame is found on magnesium.  Barium has green flame, while calcium has red flame.

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 8: why is it called alkaline?

The elements are called alkaline because the pH for this solution has pH higher than 7. Therefore, you can call the solution, alkaline or bases.

Alkaline Earth Metals Pic

Alkaline Earth Metals Pic

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 9: radium

One of the dangerous forms of alkaline earth metal is radium. It is very radioactive. Radium is made from the decay or uranium. Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radium.

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals 10: manufacturing and industry

The elements which contribute a lot on manufacturing and industry include calcium and magnesium.

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals

Facts about Alkaline Earth Metals

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