10 Facts about All Souls’ Day

Sunday, December 28th 2014. | Events

Facts about All Souls’ Day talk about the important day for the Christian people. This day is dedicated for the prayer of the dead. But it is not exclusively intended for your family. The holiday is always associated with All Saint Days. Find out more facts about All Souls’ Day by reading the following post below:

Facts about All Souls’ Day 1: celebration

People celebrate the All Souls’ Day every year on 2nd November. The All Saints Day is celebrated a day before the All Souls’ Day on 1st November. The Halloween is celebrated on 31 October. Get facts about All Saints Day here.

Facts about All Souls’ Day 2: The Latin Church

The All Souls’ Day is often called as the Commemoration of All the Faithfull Departed by the Latin Church or the western Catholic Church. Even though this holiday falls on Sunday, it is still celebrated on 2nd November.

All Souls' Day Celebration

All Souls’ Day Celebration

Facts about All Souls’ Day 3: an optional celebration

The Anglican people consider this All Soul’s Day as an optional celebration. It is often called as the Commemoration of All Faithful departed.

Facts about All Souls’ Day 4: Eastern Catholic Churches and Eastern Orthodox Church

What about the tradition of Al Souls’ Day in Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches? This holiday has nothing to do with the month of November since they will celebrate it several times in a year.

All Souls' Day Facts

All Souls’ Day Facts

Facts about All Souls’ Day 5: Praying for the dead

The tradition to offer pray for the dead can be traced in the practice of Judaism and the beginning of Christianity.

Facts about All Souls’ Day 6: Methodist Church

The Methodist Church believes that All Christians are called Saints. Therefore, the All Saints’ Day is a universal day used to remember and pray for the decreased members.

All Souls' Day Image

All Souls’ Day Image

Facts about All Souls’ Day 7: the origin

The people assume that All Souls’ Day was originated from the European Folklore. It was celebrated globally but in different names. You can check that the Japanese people have their Japanese Bon Festival, while the Chinese people have the Chinese Ghost Festival.

Facts about All Souls’ Day 8: ringing bells

During the All Souls’ Day, the bell is ringing for the dead.  The purpose is to comfort the dead in their cleaning.

All Souls' Day Pic

All Souls’ Day Pic

Facts about All Souls’ Day 9: lighting the candles

Another tradition during the holiday is lighting the candles.   It is used to lighten the dead from the darkness.

Facts about All Souls’ Day 10: Tirol

During the All Souls’ Day, the cake will be placed on the table and the room will made in warm temperature to make the souls of the dead comfortable in Tirol.

facts about All Souls' Day

facts about All Souls’ Day

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