10 Facts about American Civil Rights
Facts about American Civil Rights talk about the struggle of African American people to get racial equality after the Civil War ended. The result of this long period of struggle can be seen on the law which gives equality for the African American people. It gives the result of Civil Rights Act of 1964. Find out the famous leaders, background and action of American Civil Rights below:
Facts about American Civil Rights 1: the famous leaders
There are many famous leaders of non violent acts during the American civil right movement. Some of them include Rosa Parks, Brooker T Washington and Martin Luther King.
Facts about American Civil Rights 2: Slavery
The background of civil right movement can be seen on the slavery in America. The abolitionist wanted to put slavery to an end because slavery is morally wrong. Get facts about African American slavery here.
Facts about American Civil Rights 3: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln supported the elimination of slavery in America by having Emancipation Proclamation. He also had the thirteenth amendment in United States Constitution but making slavery as an illegal act. Find out Abraham Lincoln facts here.
Facts about American Civil Rights 4: Jim Crow Laws
Jim Crow Law is the unwritten law which kept the black people segregated from the white people. The southern states people considered the African American people as the subordinate citizen in America. The African Americans were expected to use separate restrooms, restaurant, schools, and transportation. They did not have the right to vote.
Facts about American Civil Rights 5: NAACP
NAACP was an organization established in 1909 by the African American leaders such as WEB Du Bois and Ida B. Wells. Booker T. Washington was another important leader who wanted to increase the education of African Americans by establishing schools.
Facts about American Civil Rights 6: illegal segregation at school
The segregation at school was called as an illegal act by Supreme Court since 1950s. The African Americans were allowed to attend all white school.
Facts about American Civil Rights 7: Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks gained fame after she refused to give her seat to a white passenger. She was arrested in 1955. This event made the African American people boycott the Montgomery Bus for a year. The leader at that time was Martin Luther King.
Facts about American Civil Rights 8: Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King was the leader in various non violent protests. You can see him managing the March on Washington and Birmingham Campaign.
Facts about American Civil Rights 9: President Lyndon Johnson
President Lyndon Johnson eliminated the Jim Crow laws and segregation on the south and signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964.
Facts about American Civil Rights 10: Voting Rights Act
Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965. It means that the African American people can give their vote in the election.
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