10 Facts about American Rivers

Tuesday, January 13th 2015. | Rivers

Facts about American Rivers talk about the California watercourse river system.  Before 1846, the American River was called Rio de los Americanos in the Mexican ruled period.  If you are interested more to know about this important river, check out the following explanation below:

Facts about American Rivers 1: the running system

The American river is a watercourse river system. It flows from the Sierra Nevada Mountain. Then it flows together with Sacramento River.

Facts about American Rivers 2: The Sacramento River

After the water in Sierra Neva Mountain and Sacramento river flow together, the water in the river will end at the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. Most parts in California are passed by American River.

American River Facts

American River Facts

Facts about American Rivers 3: division

There are several parts of American river. You find out the south, middle and north forks. These forks are located in Sacramento County, Place County and El Dorado County.

Facts about American Rivers 4: the origin of the three forks

If you are interested to know the origin of this north, south and middle forks, you can go to Tahoe and Elcorado National Forests.

American River Image

American River Image

Facts about American Rivers 5: great scenery

The three forks of American river are very famous in United States due to their wonderful scenery. You can spot the forested ridges, canyons, trails and rock formations. Learn about Amazon River facts here.

Facts about American Rivers 6: the winter adventure

During the winter season, you can come to the three forks and enjoy various kinds of winter adventures. You can do fishing, snowy peak and rafting.

American River Pictures

American River Pictures

Facts about American Rivers 7: The North Fork

The longest tributary in American River is located in North Fork.  The length is 142 kilometer or 88 miles. It is 2,400 meter or 7,900 feet high.  The location of North Fork is near Lake Tahoe.

Facts about American Rivers 8: North Fork and Middle Fork

If you come to North Fork and Middle Fork, you can see the site of Gold Rush in 1850s, and the ancient American Indian culture.

American Rivers

American Rivers

Facts about American Rivers 9: the middle fork

The middle fork has the length at 100 km or 62 miles. By visiting this middle fork, you can see the quiet riparian region, natural waterfalls and man-made reservoirs. Check out African River facts here.

Facts about American Rivers 10: the south fork

The south fork in American river has the length at 140 km or 87 miles. The popular activities to do here are the recreation gold panning and trout fishing.

Facts about American Rivers

Facts about American Rivers

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