10 Facts about Andy Griffiths

Wednesday, February 4th 2015. | Authors

Facts about Andy Griffiths talk about the famous Australian Children’s book author. He is also famous as a comedy writer.  You can see his performance in an animated TV series. The title of his famous series is What’s With Andy? His famous work is Just! Series. Find out more facts about Andy Griffiths below:

Facts about Andy Griffiths 1: date of birth

Andy Griffiths was born on 3 September 1961 in Melbourne, Australia. At first, he did not become a writer. He was a former vocalist of “Gothic Farmyard” and “Skippy the Butcher”. Both were the 1980s alternative bands. He decided to become a writer in 1992.

Facts about Andy Griffiths 2: reading

Reading is one of his hobbies. There is no need to wonder that he had read various kinds of books.

Andy Griffiths  Pic

Andy Griffiths Pic

Facts about Andy Griffiths 3: Terry Denton

Terry Denton is the illustrator who has illustrated different kinds of Griffiths’ books. Due to the popularity of his books, most of them were translated in French.

Facts about Andy Griffiths 4: books

There are various kinds of books that Griffiths has written. Those include The Bad Book, The Very Bad Book, The Super Bad Book, and Just! Series, “Treehouse” series , “Schooling Around” series, “A&T’s World of Stupidity”, “Bum” series and Killer Koalas from Outer Space.

Andy Griffiths Author

Andy Griffiths Author

Facts about Andy Griffiths 5: The Bad Book

The Bad Book is one of the most famous works of Griffiths. The book was released in 2004. When you check out the bad stories, you see the rhymes, drawings, stories, and poems.

Facts about Andy Griffiths 6: the first title

The first title of his book published in United States is The Day My Butt Went Psycho!

Andy Griffiths Facts

Andy Griffiths Facts

Facts about Andy Griffiths 7: the true

People often come up with the question whether the story that he wrote is based on his real life of not. He stated that he might write the story which happened to him. But he often exaggerated it to make it more entertaining. Therefore, his story was not based on the true life. Find out facts about Andrew Cope here.

Facts about Andy Griffiths 8: the time to write a book

In average, Andy has to spend 6 months when he wants to create the story ideas, story title, starts, middle and ending. Then he has to spend three months to write the book seriously.

Andy Griffiths Image

Andy Griffiths Image

Facts about Andy Griffiths 9: the favorite writers

The favorite writers of Andy Griffiths include Enid Blyton and Dr. Seuss. Get facts about Andrew Clements here.

Facts about Andy Griffiths 10: pet

Now Andy does not have any pet. But he had a dog in the past. He named it Sooty.

Facts about Andy Griffiths

Facts about Andy Griffiths

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