10 Facts about Andy Warhol
Facts about Andy Warhol tell us about the famous artist in the world. He was famous with his pop art style. Warhol actually was not his last name. He was born as Andrew Warhola in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Even though he was not with us anymore, his legacy was still maintained until this present day.
Facts about Andy Warhol 1: the father
The father of Andy Warhol is Andrei Warhola. He had a job in the construction. His mother earned the money by selling handmade crafts and cleaning the house. There were three sons in the family. Those were Paul, John and Andrew.
Facts about Andy Warhol 2: Sydenham’s chorea
When Andrew was a young boy, he had Sydenham’s chorea. He had to stay at home for two months. This condition was caused by the rheumatic fever which led into the uncontrollable and rapid movements.
Facts about Andy Warhol 3: the mother’s influence
Warhol’s mother influenced his interest in art a lot. She wanted his son to explore the popular culture and art when Warhol was sick. Then Warhol decided to collect the pictures of movie stars at that time.
Facts about Andy Warhol 4: the basement
His parents’ house had a basement that he changed into a darkroom. He developed his own pictures here.
Facts about Andy Warhol 5: Carnegie Institute
Warhol went to Carnegie Institute when he was a student at an elementary school. He took the free Saturday art classes there.
Facts about Andy Warhol 6: the college education
Andrei Warhola passed away in 1942. Before his death, he wished that his life saving would be used to cover the cost of Andrew’s college education.
Facts about Andy Warhol 7: life as a teenager
He worked in a display department at Joseph Home department store in downtown Pittsburgh for his summer job. At that time, he was still a teenager. Get another artist in Andrew Wyeth facts here.
Facts about Andy Warhol 8: an art editor
When he was a college student, he became an art editor for the student magazine. It was called Cano.
Facts about Andy Warhol 9: the art focus
The focus of his art is on the celebrity, artistic expression and advertising. He had a pop art style. He used different kinds of media such as music, film, painting, pictures, photos, printmaking and sculpture. Get facts about Andy Warhol’s Art here.
Facts about Andy Warhol 10: hypochondriac
Do you know that Warhol was afraid of doctors and hospitals? Therefore, he was a hypochondriac.
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