10 Facts about Angel Island

Saturday, February 7th 2015. | Destinations

Facts about Angel Island tell you about the largest island in San Francisco Bay. This island is a good place for those who want to enjoy camping spots and biking.  You can get the tours with family and friends in Angel Island.  Do you know that Angel Island is called As Ellis Island of the West? Find out more facts about Angel Island by reading the following post below:

Facts about Angel Island 1: a cattle ranch

Antonio Maria Osio wanted to use the Angel Island as a cattle ranch in 1837. Therefore, he asked the governor of California to give it to him.

Facts about Angel Island 2: Quarantine Station

There was a Quarantine Station in 1891 that Ayala Cove established. Today it is known as Hospital Cove. The function was to isolate the immigrants suspected with disease and to fumigate the ships from the foreign ports.

Angel Island Facts

Angel Island Facts

Facts about Angel Island 3: the Chinese people

There were at least 17500 people from China who came to Angel Island in 1910 to 1940.  Most of them were detained from 90 days to 2 years before their application to become immigrants of US was processed.

Facts about Angel Island 4: a Nike Missile base

Angel Island has a unique history. It was used as a Nike missile base in 1950s and 1960s. It was considered as the last occupation of military in the island.

Angel Island History

Angel Island History

Facts about Angel Island 5: the tour

If you want to get closer with the nature, you can come to Angel Island. You can camp here.  But sometimes, you have to hike up to reach the camping sites in Angel Island.  Don’t forget to visit the kayak camp site. You have to reach it by using boat.

Facts about Angel Island 6: the bike trails

Angel Island is famous with its biking site.  You take a bike and enjoy 90 miles or bike trails here. If you cannot pack the bike on the ferry, you can rent it when you are in Angel Island.

Angel Island Image

Angel Island Image

Facts about Angel Island 7: Robert Redford’s the Candidate

Robert Redford’s The Candidate is one of the famous movies in Hollywood.   There were former employee’s cottages in Angel Island designed by Julia Morgan.  They were burned down during the filming of the movie in 1970s.

Facts about Angel Island 8: the largest island

The largest island in San Francisco Bay has the size at 640 acres. The Spanish Naval Lieutenant Juan Manuel de Ayala explored the land in August 1775.

Angel Island

Angel Island

Facts about Angel Island 9: the name

The name of the Island was from Lieutenant Juan Manuel de Ayala. He called the land Isla de Los Angeles. It means Islands of the Angels. Check out facts about Alcatraz island here.

Facts about Angel Island 10: the original

Do you know that the Miwok Indians lived on Angel Island thousand years ago?

Facts about Angel Island

Facts about Angel Island

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