10 Facts about Anglo Saxon England
Facts about Anglo Saxon England present the interesting information about the people who came from north Germany. They migrated to Great Britain in the fifth century. Actually there were three types of people who did the migration. They were the Jutes, Saxons and Angles. Find out more facts about Anglo Saxon England by reading the following post below:
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 1: moving to Britain
At first, the people were called Saxons when they lived in north Germany. Then they were called Anglo Saxons after they moved and lived in Britain. The name Angles was transformed into English. The England was used to call the land of the Anglo Saxons.
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 2: the dominant people
In 550 till 1066, Anglo Saxons were considered as the dominant people in Britain. The islands were occupied by several small kingdoms. The big kingdom became the dominant one in the island.
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 3: Northumbria
Northumbria was the first dominant kingdom in Britain in the beginning of 600s. The Angles lived in this kingdom. It was situated to the north.
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 4: Kingdom of Mercia
In 700s, the Kingdom of Mercia was the dominant one in Britain. The Kingdom of Wessex had the biggest power over the land in 800s. Therefore, the King of Wessex was called as the king of all England.
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 5: the Danes
The invasion of the Dane happened in the mid 800s. These people from Denmark invaded the England. They captured the land and created the settlement.
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 6: the Kingdom of Wessex was attacked
The Kingdom of Wessex was attacked by the Danes in 870. The Danes were defeated by Alfred who led his Saxons. He could be the winner in the Battle of Ashdown. Alfred was a young prince.
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 7: Prince Alfred
In 871, Prince Alfred became the king. The battle of Danes continued and ended in 886 after he signed treaty with the Danes.
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 8: The Treaty
The treaty that Alfred the Great had with the Danes divided the land for the Danes and Saxons. The Saxons got the south and west. The Danes got the east and north. Their land was called Danelaw.
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 9: Alfred the Great
Alfred was called Alfred the Great due to his big contribution. He protected his people from the Danes and presented big contribution to the Kingdom of England. Get more facts about Anglo Saxons here.
Facts about Anglo Saxon England 10: reformation
Alfred the Great was one of the famous Saxons who set the foundation of English economy, navy, education, and laws.
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