10 Facts about Anne Frank House
If you want to know the house used by Anne and his family to hide during the World War II, you have to check Facts about Anne Frank House. Today Anne Frank house was turned into a biographical museum and a history house. It was dedicated to the famous diarist Anne Frank who died in the concentration camp of Nazi. This Jewish girl was only 15 when she died. Here are other facts about Anne Frank house for you.
Facts about Anne Frank House 1: the location
Anne Frank House is often called Anne Fran Huis in Dutch. This historic house is situated at the Prinsengracht, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Facts about Anne Frank House 2: the hidden place
When Nazi Germany invaded Netherlands, the Franks hid with other four people at the rear area of 17th century canal house. At that time, it was called the Secret Annex.
Facts about Anne Frank House 3: the wartime diary
Anne Frank was famous because of the diary that she wrote during the hidden time. It was published in 1947. Actually Anne could not survive the war and never saw that her diary was published since she died because of typhus in the concentration camp.
Facts about Anne Frank House 4: Anne Frank Foundation
Anne Frank Foundation was formed in 1957. The main purpose was to protect this historic building from being demolished by the developers. Get facts about Anne Frank here.
Facts about Anne Frank House 5: the museum
On 3 May 1960, the museum for Anne Frank was established in this house. If you visit this place, you can find the hiding place of Anne Frank. The life of Anne Frank is also exhibited in the museum. You can also see the forms of persecution and discrimination here. Find out another building in Anderson Shelter facts here.
Facts about Anne Frank House 6: the visitors
The report stated that Anne Frank museum was inhabited by 1.2 million people in 2013. In Netherlands, it took the third position as the most visited museum.
Facts about Anne Frank House 7: Secret Annex
The Secret Annex is the Achterhuis or the back house. It was the back extension of the house. This building was hidden. The total area of this hiding place is only 46 meter square or 500 square feet.
Facts about Anne Frank House 8: the hidden time
The family lived in this hidden house for two years and a month. Finally they were found and sent to the concentration camp. Unfortunately, only Otto Frank who survived.
Facts about Anne Frank House 9: Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands reopened the museum on 28 September 1999. Today the museum is infused with a bookshop, exhibition space, and office.
Facts about Anne Frank House 10: the Academy Award
Shelley Winters won an academy award due to her performance of Petronella van Daan in the Diary of Anne Frank. She donated the award and you can see it inside the museum.
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