10 Facts about Annie Dillard

Tuesday, September 6th 2016. | Authors

Facts about Annie Dillard talk about the American author. She was born on 30th April 1945. She creates the works of nonfiction and fiction in a form of narrative prose. Her publication includes a memoir, two novels, literary criticism, prose, essays and poetry. She earned Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction in 1975 due to her work Pilgrim at Tinker Creek published in 1974. Dillard was also a lecturer who taught at Wesleyan University in Connecticut for 21 years. Here are other interesting facts about Dillard to notice:

Facts about Annie Dillard 1: the early life of Dillard

An American Childhood (1987) was an autobiography of Dillard which talked about her early childhood details. In the family, there were three daughters and Dillard was the eldest one.

Facts about Annie Dillard 2: the focus of her memoir

Dillard was raised in Point Breeze neighborhood, Pittsburgh in 1950s. There were many useful subjects taught by her father such as economics and plumbing. Dillard depicted her mother as a nonconformist energetic person.

Annie Dillard Facts

Annie Dillard Facts

Facts about Annie Dillard 3: reading

Dillard loves reading. The Natural Way to draw and Field Book of Ponds and Streams are the books which influence her the most.

Facts about Annie Dillard 4: the subjects of reading

There are various subjects of books read by Dillard. They include natural history, geology, poetry, epidemiology and entomology.

Annie Dillard Images

Annie Dillard Images

Facts about Annie Dillard 5: education

Dillard was educated at the Shadyside Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh when she was a kid. She also went to Ligonier, Pennsylvania to attend the First Presbyterian Church for four summers.

Facts about Annie Dillard 6: the college education

Dillard chose literature and creative writing when she was accepted at Hollins College in Roanoke, Virginia.

Annie Dillard Pic

Annie Dillard Pic

Facts about Annie Dillard 7: the personal life

Dillard married R. H. W. Dillard. He was her writing teacher.  Her husband is 8 years older than her. Check facts about Denis Diderot here.

Facts about Annie Dillard 8: comparison

Some people compare the works of Dillard with those of Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, John Donne, William Blake and Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Facts about Annie Dillard

Facts about Annie Dillard

Facts about Annie Dillard 9: the favorite authors

Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Hardy and Henry James are some favorite authors of Dillard.

Facts about Annie Dillard 10: the first of poems

Tickets for a Prayer Wheel (1974) is considered as the first book of poems by Dillard. The other works of Dillard include Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (1974), Teaching a Stone to talk (1982) and Holy the Firm (1977). Get facts about Derek Landy here.

Annie Dillard Images

Annie Dillard Images

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