10 Facts about Ansel Elgort

Friday, February 27th 2015. | Celebrity

If you want to know the handsome DJ and actor, check Facts about Ansel Elgort. Elgort was born on 14 March 1994. You can see his performance as an actor in The Faults in Our Stars, Divergent, and Carrie.  Find the detail facts about him below:

Facts about Ansel Elgort 1: parents

His mother is Grethe Barrett Holby. She worked as an opera director. His mother was a fashion photographer who has worked for Vogue for more than 30 years, Arthur Elgort. His mother has the mix of Norwegian, German and English ancestry. His father had the Russian Jewish ancestry.

Facts about Ansel Elgort 2: Aase-Grethe

Aase-Grethe was the maternal grandmother of Ansel. She saved Norwegian Jewish children during the World War II. Due to her brave act, she was captured and trapped in a concentration camp.

Ansel Elgort Actor

Ansel Elgort Actor

Facts about Ansel Elgort 3: siblings

He has two older siblings. Sophie works as a photographer, while Warren works as a film editor.

Facts about Ansel Elgort 4: education

He tried to take class in School of American Ballet when he was 9 years old. He also went to Stagedoor Manor summer camp, Professional Performing Arts School, and Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School.

Ansel Elgort Cute

Ansel Elgort Cute

Facts about Ansel Elgort 5: the acting career

He began his acting career in the professional stage by Matt Charman in Regret. The first movie that Ansel did was the remake of Carrie in 2013. He only got a secondary role. Get facts about Andrew Garfield here.

Facts about Ansel Elgort 6: Divergent

He began to gain attention from the audiences after he played Caleb in Divergent. He was the brother of Beatrice Prior. The movie was released on 21 March 2014.

Ansel Elgort Facts

Ansel Elgort Facts

Facts about Ansel Elgort 7: The Fault in Our Stars

After the success of Divergent, he took part in The Fault in Our Stars as Augustus Waters.  The movie is created based on the novel of John Green with the similar title. He shared screen with Woodley.

Facts about Ansel Elgort 8: Ansølo

Ansølo is a name that Ansel used in music. He stated that he had made a record deal with Staar Traxx in February 2014. Check Adele facts here.

Ansel Elgort Style

Ansel Elgort Style

Facts about Ansel Elgort 9: the first record

On 21 April 2014, Unite was released as his first record.  On 21 July, he released his second record, Totem.

Facts about Ansel Elgort 10: Violetta Komyshan

Talking about his personal life, since 2012, he had dated Violetta Komyshan. She was his high school sweetheart. Due to the hectic schedule, both broke up. But they reconciles after split up for five months.

Facts about Ansel Elgort

Facts about Ansel Elgort

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