10 Facts about Anticyclones

Monday, March 2nd 2015. | World

Facts about Anticyclones talk about the opposite phenomenon of cyclone. When the anticyclones come, the people can enjoy the drier or cooler air.  The skies are very clear. But the region with higher pressure is often filled with fog in overnight. Let’s find out more facts about anticyclones by reading the following post below:

Facts about Anticyclones 1: what is an anticyclone?

Can you define the anticyclone?  It is “a large-scale circulation of winds around a central region of high atmospheric pressure, clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere”. That’s the definition from the glossary of National Western Service in United States.

Facts about Anticyclones 2: Sir Francis Galton

Who discovered the first anticyclone? In 1860s, anticyclone was discovered for the first time by Sir Francis Galton. The cum sole is used to define the circulation of anticyclone. It comes in high pressure system. Get facts about Antarctica here.

Anticyclones Facts

Anticyclones Facts

Facts about Anticyclones 3: the high pressure system

Anticyclones are always associated with high pressure system. This condition is also linked with subsidence on the higher area of the troposphere and light winds at surface.

Facts about Anticyclones 4: the compression heating

The compression heating or adiabatic heating will dry out an air mass when the subsidence occurs. Therefore, you can see the clear air on the sky when anticyclone occurs.

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Anticyclones Image

Facts about Anticyclones 5: the temperature and solar radiation

The temperature is raised. The shortwave solar radiation is also increased because you can find no clouds on the sky used to reflect the sunlight when the day comes.

Facts about Anticyclones 6: the long wave radiation

The long wave radiation occurs when the night comes due to the absence of clouds. There is no absorption of heat on the surface. Therefore, people can feel the low temperature in all seasons. Get facts about air masses here.

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Anticyclones Pic

Facts about Anticyclones 7: the fog

The fog will be formed if in overnight, the low level relative humidity can increase 100 percent.

Facts about Anticyclones 8: the origin

The origin of an anticyclone depends on the type of weather. During the winter, the anticyclone gloom may be formed on the extension of the Azores high pressure.

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Anticyclones Picture

Facts about Anticyclones 9: the clear weather

The clear weather is brought by the pressures which form in the north and southward area because they are cooled at the base. Thus, the clouds are not created.

Facts about Anticyclones 10: the monsoon

The people in Asia will face the wet monsoon when the subtropical ridge in the northwest Pacific is stronger.

Facts about Anticyclones

Facts about Anticyclones

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