10 Facts about Anton Chekhov

Friday, March 6th 2015. | Authors

Facts about Anton Chekhov present the information about the Russian dramaturge, physician and author. Do you know that Chekhov is called as one of the greatest short story writers in the world? He was born on 29 January 1860 and passed away on 15 July 1904. Let me show you more about Anton Pavlovich Chekhov below:

Facts about Anton Chekhov 1: the job

Even though he was famous a writer, do you know that he was a medical doctor?  He loved both jobs. He stated that literature was his mistress, while medicine was his lawful wife.

Facts about Anton Chekhov 2: the theater

He is one of the important figures which contributed to the birth of the beginning of modernism in theater along with August Strindberg and Henrik Ibsen. Get facts about Anthony Browne here.

Facts about Anton Chekhov

Facts about Anton Chekhov

Facts about Anton Chekhov 3: gave up the theater

He gave up writing the drama for theater after The Seagull in 1896 received poor reception from the audiences. However, Constantin Stanislavski’s Moscow Art Theatre made this play interesting and successful after they performed it in 1898. This Art Theater also worked on other plays of Chekhov such as Uncle Vanya, Three Sisters and The Cherry Orchard.

Facts about Anton Chekhov 4: the financial ambition

When he decided to write stories, he wanted to earn money for the financial benefit at first. Then he realized that his artistic ambition was much more important. If you check out his short story, you can find difficulties to solve by the readers. He stated that the writer created the story not to answer the readers but to ask questions. Get facts about Anthony Horowitz here.

Anton Chekhov Young

Anton Chekhov Young

Facts about Anton Chekhov 5: the early life

There were six surviving children in the family and Chekhov was the third one. He was born in Taganrog in the fest day of St. Anthony the Great.

Facts about Anton Chekhov 6: parents

Pavel Yegorovich Chekhov was Anton’s abusive father. He was a devout orthodox Christian and a director of a parish choir. Yevgeniya was the name of his mother. She loved to entertain the children with tales. She was an amazing storyteller.

Anton Chekhov Short Stories

Anton Chekhov Short Stories

Facts about Anton Chekhov 7: education

To pursue the education, he went to Greek School in Taganrog and the Taganrog Gymnasium. He failed an Ancient Greek examination which made him stayed in this school for a year.

Facts about Anton Chekhov 8: pseudonym

Antosha Chekhonte and Man without a Spleen were some of his pseudonyms when he wrote humorous sketches and vignettes of contemporary Russian life.

Anton Chekhov Life

Anton Chekhov Life

Facts about Anton Chekhov 9: a qualified physician

He became a qualified physician in 1884. He gave the free charge for the poor people. He gained little money from this job at first.

Facts about Anton Chekhov 10: death

Chekhov passed away on 15 July 1904.  His grave was next to his father at Novodevichy Cemetery.

Anton Chekhov Facts

Anton Chekhov Facts

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