10 Facts about Archaebacteria
Let me show you a group of single celled organisms by reading Facts about Archaebacteria. Archaebacteria is one of the important parts in the living organism. The name was taken from Greek. It means the old ones. This organism is very simple and tiny. You can only find Archaebacteria in extreme condition. The organism is included in extremophiles. Here are other facts about extremophiles for you:
Facts about Archaebacteria 1: the temperature
As I have stated before, Archaebacteria can only live in extreme environment. Most of them can live well in alkaline, acidic, and salty water. They can live at a very low temperature or at a very high temperature above 80 degree Celsius. Get facts about Alkalis here.
Facts about Archaebacteria 2: the extreme habitat
You can find the organisms living in extreme habitat. You can find them living in the deep ocean, black smokers, geysers and oil wells.
Facts about Archaebacteria 3: the ammonia
Some Archaebacteria ate ammonia. There is no need to wonder that the recent researches find out that these simple organisms live in seawater and soil.
Facts about Archaebacteria 4: the classification
Once, the classification of Archaebacteria was wrong. It was included in Kingdom Monera as prokaryotes along with bacteria. Then it is named Archaebacteria in a different domain.
Facts about Archaebacteria 5: comparison
Archaebacteria is an interesting organism in the world. You can compare it with other forms of organisms in the world. It has an independent evolutionary history.
Facts about Archaebacteria 6: the right classification of Archaebacteria
Archaebacteria is placed in a different domain. It is one of the different branches of evolutionary descent. The three domains include Eukaryote, Bacteria and Archaea.
Facts about Archaebacteria 7: the comparison with prokaryotes and bacteria
Archaebacteria have similarities with prokaryotes and bacteria because they are single celled organisms with no nuclei and cell organelles. It is different with bacteria, because Archaebacteria will never produce spores.
Facts about Archaebacteria 8: photosynthesis
Archaebacteria cannot cook their own food since the single celled organisms are not able to do photosynthetic. The reproduction of this organism is in asexual way.
Facts about Archaebacteria 9: Carl Woese
In 1978, Carl Woese discovered Archaebacteria. In 1990, he proved that Archaebacteria was a separate kingdom.
Facts about Archaebacteria 10: ocean
Most Archaebacteria can be found in the ocean along with planktons. More than 20 percent of Archaebacteria live in the ocean.
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