10 Facts about Arkwright
Facts about Arkwright tell you about the famous leading entrepreneur and inventor in the beginning of the industrial revolution. He was born on 23 December 1732 and passed away on 3 August 1792. He was famous as the inventor of the spinning frame. Then it was called as a water frame which can produce the water power. Here are some interesting facts about Arkwright below:
Facts about Arkwright 1: other inventions
Arkwright also took the patent of a rotary carding engine. This engine was very important for the people at that time to want to create the cotton lap from the raw cotton. This man could combine the semi skilled labor, power, machinery and cotton to generate the mass produced yarn.
Facts about Arkwright 2: the mill
His mill was located at Cromford, Derbyshire. He became the modern factory system creator due to his skill and invention. Therefore, he was called as the father of the industrial revolution. Find out another figure in Arcimboldo facts.
Facts about Arkwright 3: the machine for carding
In 1748, a machine for carding has been invented by Lewis Paul. The machine was improved by Arkwright. He was awarded with a patent for a new carding engine in 1775. This machine enabled the people to transform the raw cotton buds into fibers. Then it could be spun into yarn.
Facts about Arkwright 4: a factory at Nottingham
Arkwright and John Smalley decided to establish a small factory at Nottingham. Since they needed more money to set up the factory, Arkwright decided to make partners with the rich hosiery manufacturers, Jedediah Strutt and Samuel Need.
Facts about Arkwright 5: the first water powered mill
The first water powered mill in the world was built at Cromford in 1771 by these partners. To make his machine can function well; he had to use £12,000. The cotton web could be eliminated from the carding engine by using the crank and comb system.
Facts about Arkwright 6: the water powered cotton mills
Arkwright established the water powered cotton mills in Scotland after the spinning and preparatory processes had been mechanized. Since it was one of the biggest breakthroughs at that time, other people tried to copy his work. Therefore, he patented his invention in 1775.
Facts about Arkwright 7: the workers
The factory was flourished. It had 600 employees in 1774. Then the firm was seen in other locations. A cotton industry was established in Scotland and he was invited to do it.
Facts about Arkwright 8: destruction
Due to the anti machinery riots in 1779; the new mill located at Birkacre, Lancashire was damaged by the people.
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