10 Facts about Arnold Schoenberg

Saturday, March 28th 2015. | Music

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg give the interesting information about the Austrian painter and composer. Do you know that Schoenberg was the leader of the Second Viennese School?  He had a lot of contributions to enhance the expressionist movement in German art and poetry. He was born on 13 September 1874 and passed away on 13 July 1951. Here are some interesting facts about Schoenberg for you:

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 1: the place of birth

Schoenberg was born in Leopoldstadt district. It was a Jewish ghetto in the past in Vienna. His family was only a middle class Jewish.

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 2: parents

His mother was Pauline. She came from Prague. His father worked as a shopkeeper and was native to Bratislava. His name was Samuel Schoenberg.

Arnold Schoenberg Facts

Arnold Schoenberg Facts

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 3: a self taught artist

If you think that Schoenberg is educated to art and music, you are wrong. He was just a self taught artist. He had talent. He only had a short lesson from Alexander von Zemlinsky, a composer who later became his brother in law.

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 4: earning the money

To earn the money for supporting his life, he orchestrated operettas in his twenties. He also created his own works. One of them was Verklärte Nacht in 1899. The meaning is Transfigured Night. It became one of the most popular pieces by Schoenberg when he created the orchestral version.

Arnold Schoenberg Musician

Arnold Schoenberg Musician

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 5: a great composer

Schoenberg was called as a great composer by Richard Strauss and Gustav Mahler after both heard the wonderful pieces of Schoenberg. Check Vivaldi facts here.

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 6: a degenerate music

The works of Schoenberg were included as a degenerate music by the Nazi party. It is due to the fact that Schoenberg was Jewish. In 1934, he decided to move to United States.

Arnold Schoenberg Painting

Arnold Schoenberg Painting

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 7: development of music

His music was amazing. Schoenberg was a very skilled and talented musician. He developed a 12-tone technique in 1920s. He also developed different motifs in the music.

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 8: students

Schoenberg was an influential teacher of music. Some of his students became the prominent musicians such as Earl Kim, Anton Webern, Alban Berg, John Cage, Egon Wellesz, Hanns Eisler, Leon Kirchner, and Lou Harrison. find out another musician in Archie Roach facts.

Arnold Schoenberg Teaching

Arnold Schoenberg Teaching

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 9: the legacy

If you are interested to know the surviving works of Schoenberg, you can go to Vienna to visit Arnold Schoenberg Center.

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg 10: a book

One of the influential music theory books is Harmonielehre. It was written by Schoenberg in 1910.

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg

Facts about Arnold Schoenberg

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