10 Facts about Auvergne

Thursday, April 23rd 2015. | Province

Let me show you one of the 27 administrative regions in France by reading Facts about Auvergne.   Puy de Dome, Allier, Haute Loire and Cantal are included as the four departments in the Auvergne.  If you compare the historical province of Auvergne with the current administrative region of Auvergne, the latter one is bigger. Find out more interesting facts about Auvergne below:

Facts about Auvergne 1: the old provinces of Auvergne

There are several old provinces of Auvergne. Those include the small part of Forez, Vivarais, Gevaudan, Velai, Bourbonnais and Auvergne.

Facts about Auvergne 2: the sub provinces

The sub provinces of the old Languedoc provinces are Vivarais, Gevaudan and Velay. Most of them are located inside the old Languedoc provinces.

Auvergne France

Auvergne France

Facts about Auvergne 3: the modern region of Auvergne

The modern region of Auvergne is bigger for it takes the large parts of Lyonnais, Languedoc and Bourbonnais. Get Alberta facts here.

Facts about Auvergne 4: volcanoes

If you visit Auvergne, don’t be surprised with a lot of volcanoes in the area.  It was 6,000 years ago when the people experienced the last eruption in the province. The volcanoes were formed around 70,000 years ago. Puys is the local term used by the French to call the plug of the un-erupted hardened magma located at the top of the hills.

Auvergne facts

Auvergne facts

Facts about Auvergne 5: the surface area

The surface area of Auvergne is around 26,013 kilometer square. Based on the total surface area in France, it occupies 4.8 percent.  Therefore, it is included as one of the smallest regions in the country.

Facts about Auvergne 6: the tallest volcano in Auvergne

The tallest volcano in Auvergne is Puy de Dome. The height of this volcano is 1,465 meter. Actually there are many other volcanoes that you can visit in the province. If you want to know the highest point in Auvergne, you can go to Sancy Massif in Monts Dore. It has the elevation at 1,886 meters.



Facts about Auvergne 7: the southern and northern region of Auvergne

If you visit the southern region of Auvergne, you can spot a lot of mountainous areas. If you visit the northern region, you can see the hilly region. Get facts about Alsace here.

Facts about Auvergne 8: the largest oak forest

The largest oak forest in Europe is located in Auvergne. It is the Domanial Forest of Troncais. The total area of the oak forest is 27,170 acres or 11,000 hectares.

Facts about Auvergne

Facts about Auvergne

Facts about Auvergne 9: the rivers

Auvergne has two major rivers. Both are the Loire and Allier.

Facts about Auvergne 10: the climate

The level of precipitation in Auvergne is 510-1,020 mm per year.  In average, it has the temperature around 53.6 degree F.

Auvergne Scene

Auvergne Scene

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