10 Facts about Aves

Friday, April 24th 2015. | Animals

If you want to learn about birds, you have to check Facts about Aves.  They are the warm blooded animals. Even though Aves are characterized with feathers and wings, not all of them can fly on the sky. The experts estimate that there are around 1,000 species of birds in the world. If you want to know the smallest, non flight, or even largest birds in the world, get the unique facts about Aves below:

Facts about Aves 1: the largest bird in the world

Can you tell me the largest bird in the world? It is the ostrich. It also has the largest eggs. The running speed of ostrich can reach 97 kilometer per hour. Get facts about animal fur here.

Facts about Aves 2: theropod dinosaurs

There are many experts who believe that Aves are the evolution from the theropod dinosaurs.

Aves Beauty

Aves Beauty

Facts about Aves 3: the characteristics

Let’s find out the characteristics of Aves. They have two legs, wings, and feathers. They are the egg laying and warm blooded vertebrates. They have no teeth. They use the beak to crash the seed. Even though the animals have light weight, they have strong skeleton. The heart of the Aves is in four chambers.

Facts about Aves 4: the wings

Most Aves have wings.   Moa was the only know bird in the world without wings. In the 16th century, the moa was extinct.

Aves Facts

Aves Facts

Facts about Aves 5: the flightless birds

As I have stated before, not all Aves can fly. The flightless birds include penguins and ratites. Penguins cannot fly to the sky. But they can swim due to the adaption in the environment.

Facts about Aves 6: the intelligent animals

Some species of birds are included as the intelligent animals in the world such as parrots and corvids. Some of them can use and create tools.

Aves Green

Aves Green

Facts about Aves 7: the communication

The Aves communicate by using songs, visual signals and calls.  The birds are social animals. Therefore, they involve in various social behaviors such as flocking, hunting, breeding and mobbing.

Facts about Aves 8: the incubation

After the birds breed, they will lay the eggs in the nest. The parents will incubate the eggs.


Facts about Aves 9: the importance

Birds are very important in the life of human beings.  Human beings can take the feather, meats and eggs of the birds. People also use the bird excrement or guano as the fertilizer to make their plants grow healthier.

Facts about Aves 10: pets

There are several Aves taken care by the people such as parrots and songbirds.

Aves Blue

Aves Blue

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