10 Facts about Baldock

Monday, May 4th 2015. | Cities

Facts about Baldock present the interesting information about a historic market town. This town is famous with its wonderful festival. It has been conducted since 1983. The location of this market town is in the district of North Hertfordshire.  It is around 23 km northwest of Hertford county town and 53 km north of London and 24 km southeast of Bedford. Let me show you more interesting facts about Baldock below:

Facts about Baldock 1: the Baldock festival

You can enjoy the baldock festival by visiting the town in the first weekend of May. There are many events that you can enjoy during the festival. You can have the brewery tours, cheese tasting, museum trips, a barn dance, musical events, open gardens, mystery tour, family quiz night, comedy sketches, cricket match, clairvoyance evening, and history talks in the local and town area.

Facts about Baldock 2: Historic Street Fair

The Baldock festival ends in the historic High Street where you can enjoy the Historic Street Flair. Find out another city in Baghdad facts.

Facts about Baldock

Facts about Baldock

Facts about Baldock 3: the life in the historic town

You can see the life in the historic town when you are in the second and final weekend. The stallholders will dress up using the classic clothes.

Facts about Baldock 4: Baldock Beer Festival

During the first weekend, the visitors can enjoy the Baldock Beer Festival.  The samples of the national and local real cider and real ales will be given to the visitors. You can also enjoy the performance of local band and entertainment for children.

Baldock Town

Baldock Town

Facts about Baldock 5: King John

King John gave the right to the Templars to hold an annual fair at Baldlock. It was started for the first time in 1199 as the name of the Charter fair of Baldock.

Facts about Baldock 6: a small or big event

At first, the Baldock festival was only a small event. It was conducted in a small pub. But in 2014, it was a large festival conducted in various venues in town. There were at least 150 artists involved in the festival.

Baldock Pic

Baldock Pic

Facts about Baldock 7: the free music festival

The visitors can enjoy the free music festival in Hertfordshire.  There is a plan to make this music festival into a charity. Get facts about Austin Texas here.

Facts about Baldock 8: Up on Downs

Up on Downs was the name of the charity in 2014. The money will be used to help the children with Down syndrome.

Baldock Festival

Baldock Festival

Facts about Baldock 9: sport

There are various sport teams in Baldock such as The Boot FC and Baldock Town F.C.

Facts about Baldock 10: The Green Man by Kingsley Amis

The Green Man by Kingsley Amis is a supernatural thriller released in 1969. The word Baldock is mentioned in this thriller many times.

Baldock Facts

Baldock Facts

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