10 Facts about Baptism

Monday, May 11th 2015. | Religion

Facts about Baptism talk about the Christian ceremony which involves the usage of water. It is included as a Christian sacrament or admission and adoption. Some people also use the word Baptism to refer to christening. Many people often call baptism as the ordinance of sacrament of Jesus Christ. If you look at the traditional account, the baptism was conducted for the immersed candidate. It means that the person could be partially knelling or even standing in water while the water will be poured on her or him. Or the person can be submerged completely under water. Here are other facts about baptism for you:

Facts about Baptism 1: the normal form of baptism

The normal form of baptism based on the archeological evidence dated back in 3rd century. The Christian baptism was conducted by having the person to stand in the water while the upper body was poured with water.

Facts about Baptism 2: the common form of baptism

If you check the modern day baptism, it is very common to see the candidate’s forehead poured with the water for three times. You can call this method of baptism as affusion. Find out another event in Advent facts.

Facts about Baptism

Facts about Baptism

Facts about Baptism 3: baptism by blood

Baptism by blood occurred in the beginning of Church history for the martyrdom. It could save the martyrs who had not been baptized before.

Facts about Baptism 4: infant baptism

Infant baptism is another common practice in Christianity. They believe that baptism is a form of salvation.



Facts about Baptism 5: Huldrych Zwingli

In 16th century, Huldrych Zwingli denied the necessity of baptism. But there are still many Christians who consider this rite important. Other Christians like The Salvation Army, Quakers, Christian Scientists, and Unitarians do not perform the baptism rite.

Facts about Baptism 6: the manner and mode of baptism

The modern and manner of baptism can be different. If you check the common Christian baptism, the priest always says “in the name of the father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. In some cases, the baptism only mentions the name of Jesus.

Baptism Infant

Baptism Infant

Facts about Baptism 7: the infants

Do you know that more than 50 percent of the candidates of Christian baptism today are infants?

Facts about Baptism 8: the infant baptism

The infant baptism is performed as a baby is initiated, purified and given a name.

Baptism for Girl

Baptism for Girl

Facts about Baptism 9: the meaning of infant baptism

The infant baptism is conducted by sprinkling the water on the baby’s head.   This ceremony has the meaning to wash the baby from sin and to symbolize the baby’s new life.

Facts about Baptism 10: parents and godparents

The child will be raised in Christian faith by the parents and godparents.

Baptism Facts

Baptism Facts

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