10 Facts about Baryonyx

Thursday, May 21st 2015. | Animals

Let me tell you about a carnivorous saurischian dinosaur in facts about Baryonyx. The fossil of Baryonyx was first discovered in south Dorking, England in clay pits. Actually it was discovered in Portugal and Spain too.  The fossil is called Baryonyx walkeri.  It was dated back in 130 to 125 million years ago in the beginning of Cretaceous period. Find out more interesting facts about Baryonyx below:

Facts about Baryonyx 1: fish eating dinosaur

Baryonyx is a unique type of dinosaur. It is one of the few known fish eating dinosaurs.  The experts believed that baryonic had special adaptations. The dinosaur hunted their prey easily by having the gaff hook like claws and narrow jaws.

Facts about Baryonyx 2: the size

Let’s find out the estimated size of Baryonyx. It had the weight around 3,600 to 6,000 lbs or 1,700 to 2,700 kilogram. The length was around 31 feet or 9.4 meter. The height of Baryonyx was around 2.60 to 2.75 meters.

Baryonyx Facts

Baryonyx Facts

Facts about Baryonyx 3: the larger size

The fossil that the experts discovered had not fully grown. Therefore, the experts believe that the exact size of the Baryonyx probably is larger.

Facts about Baryonyx 4: the neck and hand

Baryonyx had long neck.  The hand had large claws.  In a straight line, it was 25 cm or 9.8 inch long.

Baryonyx Pic

Baryonyx Pic

Facts about Baryonyx 5: the skull

The angle for skull was unique for it was not in 90 degree angle. The skull was on the acute angle. This animal had 96 teeth with long jaws. The 32 teeth were located at the upper jaw, while the lower jaw contained 64 teeth. Get facts about Apatosaurus here.

Facts about Baryonyx 6: the crocodile

The upper jaw reminds you with the crocodile because it has sharp angled located around the snout.  The function was to lock the prey just like crocodile.

Baryonyx Picture

Baryonyx Picture

Facts about Baryonyx 7: William Walker

William Walker was the amateur fossil hunter who discovered the fossil in January 1983. He found the fossil in the Smokejacks Pit at Wallis Wood. It is clay pit located near Dorking, England.

Facts about Baryonyx 8: Natural History Museum in London

Since he found fossil, Walker decided to call Natural History Museum in London to find a help. Therefore, Alan J. Charig and Angela C. Milner were sent into the location as the leaders of the Natural History Museum team.

Facts about Baryonyx

Facts about Baryonyx

Facts about Baryonyx 9: the species

The species of Baryonyx found by Walker was named B. walkeri. The description about this fossil was published in 1986. Get facts about Baluchitherium here.

Facts about Baryonyx 10: the display

If you are interested to know the skeleton, you can check it in Natural History Museum in London.

Baryonyx Image

Baryonyx Image

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