10 Facts about Battle of Bull Run

Tuesday, May 26th 2015. | History

Facts about Battle of Bull Run tell you about one of the significant battles during the American civil war. The confederate army called the first battle of Bull Run as the First Manassas because the site of the battle was near the city of Manassas. It occurred on 21 July 1861 in Prince William County, Virginia. Get more interesting facts about the Battle of Bull Run below:

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 1: the victory

During the first battle of Bull Run, the Union Forces were defeated by the Confederate army. Actually both had poorly trained forces.

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 2: the name Bull Run

This battle is also called as the Battle of Bull Run because the site for the battle is near a stream or creek called Bull Run.  This name is linked with two major battles in the American civil war.  Both were the First Battle of Bull Run and the second Battle of Bull Run.

Battle of Bull Run Facts

Battle of Bull Run Facts

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 3: the second Battle of Bull Run

The second Battle of Bull Run happened on 28 to 30 August 1862. It occurred a year after the first battle of Bull Run.  The winner of both battles was for the confederate army.

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 4: the leaders in the Battle of Bull Run

The confederate army was led by General Joseph E. Johnston and General P.G.T. Beauregard. Both had to fight with the Union army led by Brigadier General Irvin McDowell.

Battle of Bull Run Image

Battle of Bull Run Image

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 5: the forces

There were 32,230 troops from the Confederate army fighting against 28,450 Union forces.  The casualties for the confederate were around 1,750 troops and 2,950 troops for the Unions armies.

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 6: P.G.T. Beauregard and Irvin McDowell

It was very surprising to know that P.G.T. Beauregard and Irvin McDowell actually were classmates. In 1838, both were the students in US military academy.

Battle of Bull Run Pic

Battle of Bull Run Pic

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 7: Colonel Thomas J. Jackson

Colonel Thomas J. Jackson was often called as Stonewall Jackson. He was famous during the Battle of Bull Run because of his tough resistance to slow down the Union army. Get facts about Battle of Antietam here.

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 8: the spectator sports

The local people who lived near the site of the battle watched the battle of both parties as if it was a sport.

Battle of Bull Run Pictures

Battle of Bull Run Pictures

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 9: the union forces

The union forces were defeated because of the poor communication of his coordinates. His forces were unskilled too.

Facts about Battle of Bull Run 10: the railroad

The confederates were very smart for they used the railroad to travel. Moreover, they also outnumbered the union troops. Get facts about American history here.

Facts about Battle of Bull Run

Facts about Battle of Bull Run

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