10 Facts about Benidorm

Sunday, June 14th 2015. | Cities

If you want to know the fishing village located in the coastal town in Alicante, Spain, you have to check Facts about Benidorm. In the past, it was famous as a small fishing village. But now people realize that Benidorm has a lot of potentials. Therefore, it grows into a big city.  When you come to Benidorm, you can find out skyscrapers, hotel industries and beaches. Here are some interesting facts about Benidorm for you:

Facts about Benidorm 1: the population

Based on the census conducted in 2013, there were around 73,768 people who lived in Benidorm as the permanent residents.

Facts about Benidorm 2: the Alicante province

As I have stated before, Benidorm is a part of the Alicante province. Due to the large population of the people, it is considered as the fifth most populous town in the province.

hotel buildings in Benidorm

hotel buildings in Benidorm

Facts about Benidorm 3: the buildings

It will be wrong to call Benidorm as a small village. We can say it as a metropolis city due to the high rise buildings in the town. There is no need to wonder that it has the most high rise buildings in the world.

Facts about Benidorm 4: the tourism

Benidorm is a good place to visit.  This town is very popular among the tourists who come from Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and United Kingdom.

Benidorm beach

Benidorm beach

Facts about Benidorm 5: the popularity

What makes this town popular is the nightlife. You can find a lot of clubs and bars in Benidorm. You can also enjoy the free cabaret acts in the town. Check facts about Belfast here.

Facts about Benidorm 6: the problems

In 1980s, the main problem of the city was the lager louts and drunkenness. Therefore, it was not a good place for family holiday.  Today, the problems have been eliminated for the city has good police to improve the safety. This town now can provide good atmosphere for everyone who wants to enjoy the holiday. During the winter season, many elders from Northern Europe spend their time in Benidorm.

Benidorm Coastline

Benidorm Coastline

Facts about Benidorm 7: the major beaches

Benidorm is also famous as a beach city. You can find three major beaches here. Those are Playa de Mal Pas, Playa de Poniente and Playa de Levante.

Facts about Benidorm 8: The Gran Hotel Bali

The tallest hotel in Europe is The Gran Hotel Bali located in Benidorm.  The height of this building is 186 meters. Due to the wonderful height, it took the record as the tallest skyscraper in Spain for 5 years. But the record was captured by CTBA towers.

Benidorm at night

Benidorm at night

Facts about Benidorm 9: Benidorm International Song Festival

Benidorm International Song Festival was the popular festival in Benidorm. It was held each summer in 1959 till 2000. Get facts about Beirut here.

Facts about Benidorm 10: Indie Music festival

Today, the city holds Indie Music festival.  People call it Benidorm Low Cost Festival.

Are you interested reading facts about Benidorm?

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