10 Facts about Black and White Movies
Facts about Black and White Movies tell you about the monochrome forms of visual art. Black and white is often called as B&W or simply B/W. If you think that the color produced by the movie is only black and white, you are wrong. You can also find the different shades of gray on the movie. Let’s find out more interesting facts about black and white movies below:
Facts about Black and White Movies 1: the film processes
The hand coloring was one of the color film processes to create the animated cartoons and movies. During the earliest days of the motion pictures, the movement from black and white movies to the colour movies happened in gradual movement. Find out facts about Big Hero 6 here.
Facts about Black and White Movies 2: the process of black and white movies to colour movies
The process of making black and white movies to the colour movies occurred in 1930s to 1960s.
Facts about Black and White Movies 3: the colour films
Even though the colour film actually could be produced by most studios at that time, the Technicolor process was very expensive. Therefore, they still produced the black and white movies.
Facts about Black and White Movies 4: the usage of black and white movies
Many directors at that time opted for the black and white hues for making the movies as the colors presented the realistic look of the movies. On the other hand, the colour films at that time were not capable of creating realistic look.
Facts about Black and White Movies 5: Academy award
The Academy award for Best Art Direction was available in 1940s till 1966. It was for the black and white movies.
Facts about Black and White Movies 6: the TV programming
The first program on Television was broadcasted in black and white color.
Facts about Black and White Movies 7: John Logie Baird
John Logie Baird was the Scottish inventor. On 3 July 1928, he made the first demonstration of the color TV transmission.
Facts about Black and White Movies 8: the common colour broadcasts
In 1950s, the colour program on TV was broadcasted in United States. In the end of 1960s, it was very common to see it in the western industrialized nations. Find out a colored series in Facts about Beverly Hillbillies here.
Facts about Black and White Movies 9: the standard color broadcast
In 1970s, the color broadcast was standard in many nations.
Facts about Black and White Movies 10: the color broadcasting in other countries
In 1973, the color broadcasting was seen in New Zealand. In 1990s, China began to move from black and white broadcasting into the colored one. In 1975, Australian stopped airing black and white.
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