10 Facts about Black Bart
Let me show you the famous pirate in Facts about Black Bart. Have you ever heard his name? He was born on 17 May 1682 and died on 10 February 1722. He was very famous that many writers were inspired by his character to create a book. There is no need to wonder that his character is explored in various popular cultures. Let’s find out more interesting facts about Black Bart by reading the following post below:
Facts about Black Bart 1: the real name
Black Bart was not his real name. He was born John Roberts. But he was famous as Black Bart or Bartholomew Roberts.
Facts about Black Bart 2: the fame
In 1719 and 1722, he raided the ships of Americas and West America. He was from Wales. Due to this activity, he was famous as a pirate. Get facts about Belle Starr here.
Facts about Black Bart 3: success
Even though Black Beard probably is more famous than Black Bart, he was appointed as the most successful pirate if you check the vessels captured by him. During the Golden Age of Piracy, he earned more than 470 prizes.
Facts about Black Bart 4: the less common name
Even though he was nicknamed as Black Bart, he never used this name. In Welsh, Black Bart was Barti Ddu. One of his reasons of not using this name is that it can create confusion with Black Bart of the American West. Get facts about Bartholomew Roberts here.
Facts about Black Bart 5: Treasure Island
Treasure Island is the famous work of Robert Louis Stevenson. If you check the story of this book, you will know that Black Bart is one of the four pirate captains mentioned in the book.
Facts about Black Bart 6: the protagonist
Black Bart was depicted as a protagonist characters in various historical novels such as the Devil’s Captain (2000) by Frank Sherry, The Devil’s Captain (1992) by Philip Shea, and The Requiem Shark (1999) by Nicholas Griffin.
Facts about Black Bart 7: the Articles
Black Bart created a set or Articles that all members in the ship should follow and sign. He also made the newcomers who came onboard took an oath on the Bible.
Facts about Black Bart 8: discipline problems
Handling a ship was not easy for Black Bart. He had to face the discipline problems that his crew made. He shot a drunk crew mate after Bart was insulted by him.
Facts about Black Bart 9: the Swallow
The ship of Black Bart was defeated by the Swallow. The ship was fired by the Swallow several times.
Facts about Black Bart 10: death
The journey of Black Bart ended when he was killed by the Swallow’s strike.
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