10 Facts about Black Sunday
Find out the information about the severe dust storm in Facts about Black Sunday. Black Sunday is considered as a part of Dust Bowl which happened on 14 April 1935. In the American history, it was considered as the most severe type of dust storm. The damage caused by the dust storm had a great impact on the agriculture and economy. Let’s find out the detail facts about Black Sunday below:
Facts about Black Sunday 1: the topsoil
There was around 300 million tons of topsoil which had been displaced by the dust storm from the US prairie areas.
Facts about Black Sunday 2: the Plain States
The people who lived in the Plain states should be able to find out a covering when the Black Sunday or dust storm occurred on April 14. It happened during the afternoon time.
Facts about Black Sunday 3: the first areas hit by the dust storms
The first areas hit by the dust storms included the Oklahoma Panhandle and Northwestern Oklahoma. The black Sunday moved to the south.
Facts about Black Sunday 4: the most severe regions hit by dust storms
Texas and Oklahoma had the most severe damages. Actually at 4:00 pm, it swept Beaver. Then it went to Boise city at 5:15 pm. At 7:20 pm, the storm hit Amarillo, Texas.
Facts about Black Sunday 5: the harsh dust storm
The dust storm which swept the Plain states was accompanied by the high wind. Therefore, it was very severe.
Facts about Black Sunday 6: the dust
The dust storm was severe because of the bare soil, erosion, drought and winds. Therefore, it was very easy for the dust to fly and sweep the areas at high speed.
Facts about Black Sunday 7: Dust Bowl
Dust Bowl is the common term in North America. This term was very popular in 1930s for it was used to call the series of dust storms which occurred in US and Canada.
Facts about Black Sunday 8: the description of Dust Bowl
Then the term Dust Bowl was used to depict the regions affected by the Dust Bowl. The areas included northeastern New Mexico, western Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma and eastern Colorado.
Facts about Black Sunday 9: the storm on Black Sunday
There were hundreds of thousands of people who had to move from their home during the Black Sunday because of the dust storm. Find out another disaster in Bangladesh floods facts here.
Facts about Black Sunday 10: the details
If you are interested to check out the detail of Black Sunday storm, you need to check the documentary with the title The Dust Bowl. It was aired in 2012 Ken Burns PBS.
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