10 Facts about Black Widow Spiders

Wednesday, July 15th 2015. | Animals

If you like to know one of the most dangerous spiders in the world, check Facts about Black Widow Spiders. The animals can be found living in North America. They are famous due to the toxic poison.  It is easily to identify the black widow spider from the rest of the spider for it has opisthosoma. It is the red marking that you can find on the abdomen. It resembles the shape of an hour glass. Get more facts about black widow spiders below:

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 1: are they insects?

If you think that black widow spiders are insects, you are totally wrong. The animals are arachnids. The insects have three body segments, while Arachnids have two body segments. Moreover, black widow spiders have 8 legs. Get facts about Arachnids here.

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 2: the male and female black widow spiders

The male black widow spiders have smaller body. Moreover, the body color is lighter than the female black widow spider.

Facts about Black Widow Spiders

Facts about Black Widow Spiders

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 3: the color

You can find the male black widow spiders in dark brown color. The female black widow spiders are in dark black color.

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 4: the red marking

The female black widow spiders have the red marking which resemble the shape of an hourglass on the abdomen. You will not find this marking on the abdomen of male widow spider.

Black Widow Spiders Webs

Black Widow Spiders Webs

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 5: the body length

The body length of male black widow spider is half the size of the female black widow spiders. The female can grow the body at the length around 0.5 inches to 1.5 inches.

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 6: the poisonous spider

In North America, black widow spider is considered as the most poisonous one.  You have to get the immediate medical attention if you are bitten by the black widow spiders.

Black Widow Spiders Facts

Black Widow Spiders Facts

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 7: the non dangerous spiders

The young black widow spiders and the male widow spiders are less dangerous if you compare them with the female widow spiders.

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 8: the place of living

The most common spot to find out the female black widows is on area low to the ground. They will build the webs as the houses.

Black Widow Spider

Black Widow Spider

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 9: diet

Black widow spiders are considered as carnivorous animals. They like eating mosquitoes, flies, grasshoppers and beetles. Find out beetles facts here.

Facts about Black Widow Spiders 10: the female behavior

The interesting behavior of female black widow spiders is killing the male widow spiders.

Black Widow Spiders

Black Widow Spiders

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