10 Facts about Bloody Mary

Monday, July 20th 2015. | Figures

Let me show you the queen of England and Ireland in Facts about Bloody Mary. She was nicknamed Bloody Mary after she executed the Protestants. She was on the reign as a queen in July 1553 until her death. Her mother was Catherine of Aragon who was the first wife of Henry VIII. Get more facts about Bloody Mary in the following post below:

Facts about Bloody Mary 1: Edward VI

Edward VI was the son of Jane Seymour and Henry VIII. He was the half brother of Bloody Mary. In 1547, he got the throne after Henry VIII died.

Facts about Bloody Mary 2: the religious difference

Edward IV and Mary had religious difference which made Edward IV wanted to erase her from the succession line. In 1553, Edward was very ill. He wanted Lady Jane grey to become a queen and removed Mary from the line. Find out another female figure in Belle Starr facts.

Queen Mary

Queen Mary

Facts about Bloody Mary 3: Lady Jane Grey

Lady Jane Grey took the throne of England after the death of Edward IV. But Mary was able to take it back and made her beheaded.

Facts about Bloody Mary 4: marriage

Mary married Philip of Spain in 1554. In 1556, she became the queen consort of Habsburg Spain.

Facts about Bloody Mary

Facts about Bloody Mary

Facts about Bloody Mary 5: the protestant reign

Edward was in favor of Protestantism. But Mary was in favor of Roman Catholicism. She had 280 religious rebels to get burned.

Facts about Bloody Mary 6: the personal motto

The personal motto of Bloody Mary was Veritas Temporis Filia. In English is Truth, the Daughter of Time.

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary

Facts about Bloody Mary 7: the protestant churchmen

Some of the important churchmen imprisoned after she acquired her throne included Hugh Latimer, John Rogers, John Bradford, Thomas Cranmer and John Hooper. Actually, she proclaimed that she would not force others to follow her religion in the months after her accession. It seems she changed her mind.

Facts about Bloody Mary 8: the parliament of Mary

In the beginning of October 1553, Mary established her first parliament. The parliament stated that the religion laws of Edward were abolished and stated that the marriage of her mother Catherine of Aragon and her father Henry VIII was valid.

Bloody Mary Facts

Bloody Mary Facts

Facts about Bloody Mary 9: the persecution of Protestants

In the beginning of February 1555, the first execution for the Protestants took place for five days.

Facts about Bloody Mary 10: Thomas Cranmer

Thomas Cranmer decided to rejoin the catholic faith again after he watched Latimer and Ridley burned at stake in Marian persecution. However, the queen did not accept his excuse. Therefore, Cranmer was burned too.

Bloody Mary Pic

Bloody Mary Pic

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