10 Facts about Blue Crabs

Tuesday, April 12th 2016. | Animals

Let me show you Facts about Blue Crabs in the following post below. It has the scientific name Callinectes sapidus. People often called it Chesapeake blue crab or Atlantic blue crab. The crab is originated in Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic Ocean. In United States, blue crab is a significant commodity for it contributes to the local economy. Moreover, people love to eat the blue crab food.

Facts about Blue Crabs 1: the importance of blue crab in United States

The people in New Jersey, Chesapeake Bay and Louisiana consider blue crab as an important commodity.

Facts about Blue Crabs 2: the state importance

The largest commercial fishery in Maryland is blue crabs. Therefore, blue crab is selected as the state crustacean in Maryland.

Blue Crab Pic

Blue Crab Pic

Facts about Blue Crabs 3: the width of carapace

The width of carapace of blue crab can reach 9.1 inches or 23 cm. The shape of the abdomen enables you to differentiate the male and female blue crabs.

Facts about Blue Crabs 4: the abdomen of male and female blue crabs

The female blue crabs have rounded abdomen. The male blue crabs have the slender and long abdomen.

Blue Crab

Blue Crab

Facts about Blue Crabs 5: the claws of male and female blue crabs

The female blue crabs have orange colored claws with purple tips. On the other hand, the male blue crabs have the blue claws with red tips. Get facts about crabs here.

Facts about Blue Crabs 6: the habitat of blue crabs

You can find blue crabs in Cape Cod, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Argentina. Some people spot the presence of blue crabs in Cape Cod of Gulf of Maine.

Blue Crabs Image

Blue Crabs Image

Facts about Blue Crabs 7: the introduction of blue crabs in the international water

Blue crabs have been introduced to various international waters such as in Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Baltic See, European Water and Japanese water.

Facts about Blue Crabs 8: the natural predators

The sharks, striped bass, eels, drum, whiptail stingrays, conose rays, and trout are considered as some of the natural predators of blue crabs.

Blue Crabs

Blue Crabs

Facts about Blue Crabs 9: the omnivorous animal

Blue crab is an omnivorous animal. They like to eat plants, small fish, annelids, and thin shelled bivalves. Find facts about clownfish here.

Facts about Blue Crabs 10: parasites and diseases

The ciliates, microsporidians, bacteria and viruses are some parasites and diseases which can affect blue crabs.

Facts about Blue Crabs

Facts about Blue Crabs

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