10 Facts about Blue Tang Fish
Let me show you the species of the Indo Pacific surgeonfish in Facts about Blue Tang Fish. Blue tang fish has the scientific name of Paracanthurus hepatus. There are various names used to call this fish such as royal blue tang, flag tail surgeonfish, blue surgeonfish, pacific regal blue tang, hoppi tang, pallete surgeonfish and regal tang.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 1: the body of blue tang fish
Blue tang fish has the circular body shape. It is flat like a pancake. The scales are small with nose liked a pointed snout.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 2: the body color
The body is in blue color with black palette design and yellow tail.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 3: the size and body parts
The blue tang fish has the length around 12 inches or 30 cm. This animal has 26 to 28 dorsal soft rays, 9 dorsal spines, 24 to 36 anal soft rays and 2 anal spines. Find out aquatic animal facts here.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 4: the place of living
Blue tang fish can be found the entire world. You can find the fish living in Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia, Indoor Pacific ocean, Japan, east Africa and Samoa.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 5: the popularity
Since blue tang fish has a unique color and shape, people love it. There is no need to wonder that it is included as one of the most popular marine aquarium fish in the world. If you want to put blue tang fish inside the aquarium, it is better for you to have it in pair. It can be in a very small group or you can add 12 to 14 blue tang fish.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 6: the food
Plankton is the main food for blue tang fish when it is still a juvenile. When the blue tang fish grows, it becomes omnivorous. The fish will like to eat algae and plankton. Get facts about blowfish here.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 7: the importance of blue tang fish for the ecosystem
Blue tang fish is very important to maintain the growth of coral. It is due to the fact that the adult blue tang fish eats algae. If the population of algae is out of control, it may choke the coral.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 8: spawning
Spawning occurs on blue tang fish. It is characterized by the changing color from a dark blue to pale blue. This event occurs in the evening hours and late afternoon.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 9: the egg
The egg of blue tang fish is super small. It has the diameter at 0.8 mm.
Facts about Blue Tang Fish 10: poisoning
Blue tang fish is a poisonous fish. It makes human poisoned if it is eaten.
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