10 Facts about Bluebells

Friday, July 24th 2015. | Plants

Let me show you the flowering plants in Facts about Bluebells. Bluebells is included in the family Asparagaceae and genus Hyacinthoides. There were 11 species of bluebells and one interspecific hybrid of bluebells based on the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families in July 2012. The main location of bluebells is on the Mediterranean basin.  Here are other interesting facts about bluebells for you:

Facts about Bluebells 1: the range

As I have stated before, bluebells are mostly found in Mediterranean basin. But there is one bluebell which lives in the north Western Europe. It is Hyacinthoides non-scripta.  The species of bluebell which live in North Africa is Hyacinthoides cedretorum. Get bamboo facts here.

Facts about Bluebells 2: Hyacinthoides cedretorum

If you check out Hyacinthoides cedretorum, you will know that it has unique shape.  It has the stamen attached to the tepals. If you look at other species of bluebells, most of them have the fused stamen on the tepals.

Facts about Bluebells

Facts about Bluebells

Facts about Bluebells 3: the color

Based on its name, you may think that all bluebells are in blue color.  Most of them have the violet blue pollen and anthers. However, bluebells with creamy yellow pollen are found in high Atlas Mountains.

Facts about Bluebells 4: the Spanish bluebells

The Spanish bluebells has the scientific name Hyacinthoides hispanica. This flower is native to the Iberian Peninsula. It is included as a perennial flower. Check apple trees facts here.



Facts about Bluebells 5: other species of bluebells

Other species of bluebells include the Italian bluebells which live in the eastern Mediterranean region and the common bluebells that you can find in northwestern Europe.

Facts about Bluebells 6: the uniqueness of Spanish bluebells

The Spanish bluebells are unique because they have large blue flowers, blue anthers, broad leave, and pale color. They only produce little fragrance.

Bluebells color

Bluebells color

Facts about Bluebells 7: the popularity of bluebells

The Spanish bluebells gain a lot of popularity in United Kingdom. The people love to plant them in their garden due to the impressive beauty.  It is not always in blue color for some cultivars of Spanish bluebells are available in blue, pink and white.

Facts about Bluebells 8: the common bluebells

The common bluebells have the scientific name Hyacinthoides non-scripta. You can find them living in British Isles and northwestern Spain.

Bluebells Carpet

Bluebells Carpet

Facts about Bluebells 9: the characteristics of common bluebells

The common bluebells have the violet blue flowers. They have sweet scent and 3 to 6 basal and linear leaves.

Facts about Bluebells 10: Hyacinthoides paivae

Hyacinthoides paivae is mainly found in the shady woodlands. In 1996, this bluebell was officially described.

Bluebells Facts

Bluebells Facts

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