10 Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Saturday, August 1st 2015. | Health

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder inform you with the dysmorphophobia, dysmorphic, or body dysmorphia syndrome. The people who have this BDD will be preoccupied with the defect on the appearance. He or she will do anything to fix and hide the defect even though the defect actually is illusion. BDD is included as a mental disorder. Here are some interesting facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder:

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 1: symptoms

Do you know the symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder?  The symptom is not exact for it can vary from one person to another person. But the common Body Dysmorphic Disorder occurs on the person who is preoccupied with the acne, freckles and moles, skin aberration and minor scars.

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 2: other symptoms

Other conditions which signs BDD can be seen on the person’s obsession on the small muscle, breast size, overall shape of body, too little hair on the head and too much body hair.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Facts

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Facts

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 3: the compulsion of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Some of the common compulsions of the people with Body Dysmorphic Disorder include the avoidance of having captured picture, repetitive checking on the defect, wearing excessive makeup, avoidance of mirror, having medical procedure to decrease the flaw or defect.

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 4: BDD and OCD

Are BDD and OCD related to each other? The recent study finds out that 24 percent of the people who have BDD also have OCD.

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 5: the treatment

The main treatment for Body Dysmorphic Disorder is the CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 6: the beginning of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Most cases of Body Dysmorphic Disorder occur when the person is in adolescence. It can affect not only women, but also men.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 7: undiagnosed syndrome

Many people do not realize that they have Body Dysmorphic Disorder for it is often undiagnosed. The people who have it tend to keep their preoccupation on the defects or flaws in secret.

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 8: muscle dysmorphia

Muscle dysmorphia occurs on men. It is considered as one of the BDD subtypes. It makes the men preoccupy with the small size of body such as the muscle. Find out bodybuilding facts here.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Syndrome

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Syndrome

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 9: negative body image

The people who Body Dysmorphic Disorder look at the body image negatively. It makes the person avoid the social life and increase the level of depression. Get facts about BMI here.

Facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder 10: the defects

The defects which make the people with Body Dysmorphic Disorder preoccupied occur on the hair, skin, or even hair.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Pic

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Pic

What do you think on facts about Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

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