10 Facts about Bogs

Sunday, August 2nd 2015. | Biology

Facts about Bogs talk about the type of wetland that people often call as muskeg, mire or quagmire. The deposit of dead plant material called peat is accumulated inside the bog. In most cases, it is the home of sphagnum moss. If the water on the ground surface only has low nutrient and high level of acid, it can form bogs. Get more interesting facts about bogs below:

Facts about Bogs 1: ombrotrophic or rain fed bog

The water in the bog usually is gained from the precipitation. Therefore, it is often called as the rain fed bog. The color of the water is brown. Find out facts about acid precipitation here.

Facts about Bogs 2: the plant

The growth of plants in the bogs is in low level due to the cool climate as well as the low fertility level. The decay level in the bog is also very low.



Facts about Bogs 3: Carnivorous plants

Sarracenia purpurea pitcher plant is one of the carnivorous plants that you can find in bogs. This plant often inhabits North America. Get facts about acids here.

Facts about Bogs 4: the large wetlands

The peat bogs located in western Siberian lowlands of Russia take the record as the largest wetland in the world.  It spans on the total area of a million square km.

Bogs Pic

Bogs Pic

Facts about Bogs 5: the range

You can find bogs in the areas with temperate and cold climates. There is no need to wonder that the Northern Hemisphere has a lot of bogs. The presence of bogs is less common in Southern Hemisphere.

Facts about Bogs 6: other bogs in the world

There are many other bogs in the world such as Magellanic moorland, the Mackenzie River Basin and Hudson Bay Lowland. The former one has the total area of 44,000 sq km.

Bogs Facts

Bogs Facts

Facts about Bogs 7: the bogs in northern Europe

The northern Europe also has some bogs.  Most of them are the Sphagnum bogs. Since the need of agriculture is high in the country, the bogs are cleared and drained.

Facts about Bogs 8: Sphagnum moss

Sphagnum moss is considered as the most abundant plant which survives on the harsh condition of bogs. You can also spot ericaceous shrubs living on the bogs.



Facts about Bogs 9: other plants

Other plants which live in the bogs are sundews, evergreen trees, pitcher plants, Myrica gale and Labrador tea.

Facts about Bogs 10: the animals

The animals which live here include beavers, moose, caribou, Siberian cranes, and yellowlegs.

Facts about Bogs

Facts about Bogs

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