10 Facts about Booker T Washington

Friday, August 7th 2015. | Education

Facts about Booker T Washington inform you with the famous advisor for the US presidents. This African American man was also famous as an orator, author and educator. In the African American community, he was called as the leading man in 1890 and 1915. Let’s find out the details about Booker T Washington in the following post below:

Facts about Booker T Washington 1: The Tuskegee Institute

Booker T Washington used the Tuskegee Institute as the base. This institute was located in Alabama. It was considered as a black college.

Facts about Booker T Washington 2:the fame and popularity

The popularity of Booker T Washington  was increased as he had a speech in Atlanta. The main topics of his speech were about for the entrepreneurship and education to encourage the black people’s progress in America.

Facts about Booker T Washington

Facts about Booker T Washington

Facts about Booker T Washington 3:the coalition

He called for the coalition to increase the pride and strength of black people. The white politician, philanthropists, church leaders and middle class blacks had to unite and tried to focus on schooling and self help.

Facts about Booker T Washington 4: W. E. B. Du Bois

At first, W. E. B. Du Bois gave his support for the leadership and politics of Washington. Then he moved away by establishing the NAACP in 1909. Du Bois joined with other black militants in the north to take the militant action with their organization, NAACP.

Booker T Washington Pic

Booker T Washington Pic

Facts about Booker T Washington 5: the leadership of Washington

In the late of 19th century, Washington was considered as the black person who could master the political arena in United States. He was able to pressure, raise fund, manipulate the media even create network.

Facts about Booker T Washington 6:the main goal of Washington

Can you guess the main goal of Washington? He wanted to end the discrimination faced by the African American people who lived in the southern states. Find out facts about boarding school here.

Booker T Washington Image

Booker T Washington Image

Facts about Booker T Washington 7: his mother

His mother was an African American slave. Her name was Jane. Washington was born in Virginia in 1856.

Facts about Booker T Washington 8:the education

Washington studied at Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. Then he continued his education at Wayland Seminary.

Booker T Washington Facts

Booker T Washington Facts

Facts about Booker T Washington 9: Tuskegee Institute in Alabama

Washington was called as the first leader in Tuskegee Institute in 1881. Find out facts about ASU.

Facts about Booker T Washington 10: Atlanta Address of 1895

Atlanta Address of 1895 made him famous nationally. Due to his address,  the public as well as the politician gave attention to him.

Booker T Washington

Booker T Washington

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