10 Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tuesday, August 11th 2015. | Countries

Let’s find out the interesting information about the country located in Southeastern Europe in Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina. The largest and the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo. People often call this country Bosnia for the short name. Sometimes, they call it BiH which stands for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here are other interesting facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina below:

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 1: the border

Bosnia and Herzegovina shares several borders with other countries in Europe. You can spot Montenegro to the southeast and Serbia to the east. To the south, you can view the Adriatic Sea. Croatia is spotted to the north, south and west.

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 2: the landscape

The mountainous area can be seen on the eastern and central interior of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The flatland is seen in the northeast, while the hilly area is seen on the northwest.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Beauty

Bosnia and Herzegovina Beauty

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 3: the climate

Bosnia and Herzegovina has the Mediterranean climate for the southern tip of the country. The snowy and cold winter as well as the hot summer season is perceived in many parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Find out Bhutan facts here.

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 4: the human settlement

The human settlement in Bosnia and Herzegovina was dated back in Neolithic Age. The Celtic and Illyrian people inhabited the area.

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 5: the first settlement

The first settlement in Bosnia and Herzegovina was inhabited by the Slavic people. They lived in from sixth to ninth century AD. Find out Bolivia facts here.

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 6: the Kingdom of Bosnia

The Kingdom of Bosnia was established in 14th century. In 15th until 9th century, it was controlled by the Ottoman Empire.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 7: Islam

The Islam religion spread in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was conducted by the Ottoman Empire.  Due to the presence of this religion, the social as well as the culture of the people changed.

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 8: before World War I

Before the World War I broke, Bosnia and Herzegovina was controlled by the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Facts

Bosnia and Herzegovina Facts

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 9: the interwar period

Bosnia was included in Kingdom of Yugoslavia during the interwar period.  The country got the republic status at the end of World War II. In 1992, it had its own independence after Yugoslavia disbanded.

Facts about Bosnia and Herzegovina 10: the Bosnian war

The Bosnian war broke after the independence of the country. It occurred until the end of 1995.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Country

Bosnia and Herzegovina Country

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