10 Facts about Boston Tea Party
Facts about Boston Tea Party tell you about the political protest which took place on 16 December 1773. The Sons of Liberty in Boston conducted this Destruction of the Tea in Boston. The entire shipment of tea intended to be sent by the East India Company was damaged by the demonstrators. Some of them dressed up like American Indians. They disagree with the Tea Act of May 10, 1773. Let’s find out more interesting facts about Boston Tea Party below:
Facts about Boston Tea Party 1: what did the demonstrator do?
The Boston Tea Party was conducted by the demonstrators as a sign of protest. They ruined the tea for shipment by throwing them on the Boston Harbor.
Facts about Boston Tea Party 2: the respond of British Government
The Boston Tea Party led into the American Revolution because the British gave a very violent and harsh respond about it.
Facts about Boston Tea Party 3: the importance of Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party is one of the key events in American history. It led the people to create another political protects such as Tea Party Movement.
Facts about Boston Tea Party 4: the Tea Act
The Tea Act passed by The British government in 1773 made the American people resisted about it. Therefore, the Boston Tea Party was called as the peak point of the resistance against the Tea Act.
Facts about Boston Tea Party 5: the right of colonists
The Tea Act passed by the British government was believed by the colonists to violate their rights.
Facts about Boston Tea Party 6: the controversy
The controversy occurred when the Parliament employed the direct tax on the colonies for they wanted to increase the revenue from the tea. This controversy occurred in 1760s between Great Britain and the colonies. Find out Black Tuesday facts here.
Facts about Boston Tea Party 7: the objection
The new tax program on the tea was objected by some colonies who called themselves as Whigs. They believed that this new program would violate the British constitution.
Facts about Boston Tea Party 8: the protest
The protest occurred on the colonists which led into dismissal of Stamp Act in 1766. However, the Parliament insisted the new tax program for they had the right to regulate and legislate the colonies in 1766 Declaratory Act.
Facts about Boston Tea Party 9: the people involved in Boston tea party
There were around 30 to 130 men who dressed up like Mohawk warriors throwing 342 chests of tea. Get facts about Boston Massacre here.
Facts about Boston Tea Party 10: the location of Boston Tea Party
The location where these men dumped the tea remained uncertain. Some people believed that the chests were thrown on the Griffin’s Wharf site of the Tea Party. But some studies believed that they were thrown near the foot of Hutchinson Street.
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