10 Facts about BP Oil Spill

Monday, August 17th 2015. | Disasters

Facts about BP Oil Spill present the information about the Deepwater Horizon Oil spill. This accident is also called as Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, BP oil disaster or even Macondo blowout.  The BP oil spill started on Transocean-operated Macondo Prospect in Gulf of Mexico 20 April 2010. It was possessed by BP. Get more facts about BP Oil spill below:

Facts about BP Oil Spill 1: a bad accident

The BP Oil spill is considered as a very bad accident. The Deepwater Horizon oil rig sank and exploded. For around 87 days, the oil was on the sea floor.

Facts about BP Oil Spill 2: the largest accidental marine oil spill

BP Oil Spill is considered as one of the largest accidental marine oil spills in the world. Do you know that 11 people were lost during the incident?

Facts about BP Oil Spill

Facts about BP Oil Spill

Facts about BP Oil Spill 3: the well

On 19 September 2010, the official stated that the well was sealed after they failed to do it before.  In the beginning of 2012, it was reported that the well was leaking.

Facts about BP Oil Spill 4: the public response

The public was very sad upon hearing this marine accident. They encouraged the people to protect the estuaries, wetlands and beaches from the oil.

BP Oil Spill

BP Oil Spill

Facts about BP Oil Spill 5: the wildlife habitat

Because the BP Oil spill occurred for months, the wildlife habitat, tourism and fishing industries were damaged.

Facts about BP Oil Spill 6: Louisiana

Based on the report in 2013, it was estimated that 4.6 million pounds of oily materials were cleaned from the beaches in Louisiana. Get facts about Boxing Day Tsunami 2004 here.

BP Oil Spill Photo

BP Oil Spill Photo

Facts about BP Oil Spill 7: the workers

It is not easy to clean up the oil on the Louisiana shoreline.  In 2013, the workers had to do a four day job to clean up the oil in the area.

Facts about BP Oil Spill 8: the death of dolphins

The death of dolphins and other sea animals was high in 2013 because of BP oil spill.

BP Oil Spill Facts

BP Oil Spill Facts

Facts about BP Oil Spill 9: the investigation of BP Oil Spill

In 2011, the report about the cause of BP Oil Spill was made by the United States government. In brief, the government stated that the spill occurred because of the imperfect cement on the well. Find out Australian flood facts here.

Facts about BP Oil Spill 10: the responsibility

The responsibility of BP Oil Spill was mostly on BP. But the contractor Halliburton and operator Transocean also took part in the incident.

BP Oil Spill Picture

BP Oil Spill Picture

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