10 Facts about Brazil’s Population

Monday, August 24th 2015. | Social

Facts about Brazil’s Population present the interesting information about the people who live in Brazil. It consists of different ethnic groups and races.  There are four sources of origins for the people who live in Brazil. Those are the Asians, Africans, Europeans and Amerindians. Here are other interesting facts about Brazil’s Population:

Facts about Brazil’s Population 1: the census

The census in Brazil has been conducted by the official since 1872. Since 1960s, the people can check the scanned version of the census in Brazil online.

Facts about Brazil’s Population 2: the culture of people

The culture of the people who live in Brazil is diverse because the country experiences high degree of syncretism, assimilation of culture as well as the racial admixture.

Brazil's Population Facts

Brazil’s Population Facts

Facts about Brazil’s Population 3: the people in Brazil in 2008

The report states that Brazil was the home of 189,953,000 people based on the census in 2008. Another report states that Brazil was occupied by 190.8 million people based on the estimation of the Brazilian government in 2010.

Facts about Brazil’s Population 4: the estimated population in Brazil

The people are able to estimate the population of the people in Brazil after they gather the information about Brazilian population in 1550 until 1850.

Brazil's Population Picture

Brazil’s Population Picture

Facts about Brazil’s Population 5: the official census

In 1872, Brazil conducted the first official census in the country. Since the first official census, the Brazilian government conducted census every 10 years. Find out facts about Brazil culture here.

Facts about Brazil’s Population 6: the population of Brazil

Based on the number of the population in Brazil, the country takes the record as the fifth most populated country on the planet.

Brazil's Population Data

Brazil’s Population Data

Facts about Brazil’s Population 7: the number of the people in 1550 until 1700

Let’s find out the total people who lived in Brazil in 1550 until 1700. In 1550, it was inhabited by 15,000 people. In 1600, there were 100,000 people who lived in Brazil. In 1660, the country was the home of 184,000 people. In 1700, the population of the people in Brazil increased for it was occupied by 300,000 people.

Facts about Brazil’s Population 8: the population in 2000 until 2015

In 2000, there were 169,544,443 people who lived in Brazil. In 2010, it was occupied by 192,755,799 people. In 2015, it is inhabited by 204,810,000 people.

Brazil's Population

Brazil’s Population

Facts about Brazil’s Population 9: the uneven distribution

You can find the uneven distribution of population in Brazil. The less populated one is located in the interior of Amazon basin. Find out facts about Brazil history here.

Facts about Brazil’s Population 10: the densely populated areas

The densely populated areas in Brazil are located around the coast.

Facts about Brazil's Population

Facts about Brazil’s Population

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